More birthday goodies...

I must admit I totally scored on my birthday this year. I got all sorts of goodies that Im excited to put to use. I'll post more about the others later but the topic of my post is this candelabra.

Here is the description from the Wisteria website: Did Someone Say Drama? You don’t need a phantom in your opera house. Just plenty of candles and room to let the flames dance. The arms vary in length and the finish on the iron invokes years of use. People will think your grandmother was a baroness – or at least a soprano. Holds twenty candles.

I thought that was a pretty good description. Its definitely cool but now that I have it in front of me, Im having second thoughts. Mostly because I can't imagine how Im going to use this without ruining whatever table its sitting on with wax. It would make a fabulous outdoor centerpiece for my Halloween stoop party - but its a little extragant for just that use.

What do you think? Should I keep it or return it? If I keep it, how do I use it without making a waxy mess of my house?


  1. It's lovely...and all you need to do to use it as a centerpiece is to place a round piece of glass or a large plate, or a large cazuela to catch the dripping wax...

  2. Ohhh that is stunning, so dramatic looking.
    They do make these clear plastic wax ctachers called "bobeches" that you can slip on the taper candles. Don't know if they'd work on your particular piece since there are so many candles:

  3. Oops, the link got cut off. I just googled "bobeche" to find them.

  4. It's incredible but a little over-the-top for my more minimal tastes. I used a candlabra for years that left a waxy mess below - I put it on an old tray, but that isn't a very pretty solution.

    Definitely too high maintenance but you are clever and will find a solution - how about sitting it on a piece of oil cloth that can be soaked in hot water later...

    Let us know what you decide!

  5. Could you use a runner underneath it? Or get some tule at the fabric store since its so cheap and use that underneath it. Now I see what you mean, it could be messy but it IS VeRY cool.

  6. Sorry I missed your birthday , happy birthday to you .
    I say please keep it , I adore that , it would be perfect on your coffee table , jusy put a pretty tray under it to catch the mess , it is worth the effort .

  7. It's beautiful! Keep it and enjoy :) And look into purchasing dripless candles...voila! problem solved.

  8. I want it every time I see it in Wisteria but I also think about allllll the candles I will have to buy and how big it will be just sitting on a table. People will have to lean sideways to talk over it. That being said it might look nice on your sofa table in the living room. If I had a great spot for it and didn't mind buying all the candles I would buy it in a heartbeat. MB

  9. Keep it! On a recent trip to Mexico I ate at a posh restaurant that had a table by the hostess COVERED in candle wax. Years and years of wax built up. Maybe you could find a flea-market side table that you could do the same kind of thing with.

  10. Not to mention burning all your arm hair off trying to light it...:-)

    I know you love I have to say keep it. It will see many Halloweens of happiness in your house, and could be a nice addition to your fancy office (the drama!). Maybe a simple fabric bunched up under it to catch the drips.

  11. I think it's be honest, even if you never light the candles, it still makes a great centerpiece.

  12. Keep it. I love the dripless candle idea. It's amazing. Happy Birthday!!

  13. Dripless candles or a piece of glass underneath the piece, but I'd prefer the dripless candles.

  14. I would love the flame, but not the clean up. If it were me, I would return it...but that's me... I love simple and easy clean ups...
    That said, it would be pretty on a mirror....!

  15. Gorgeous! Keep it. And they do have candles that have these holes in them so that the wax drips right back down into the candle.

  16. Keep it! That is so lovely! I can see what you mean about the wax but as all of the comments above me have mentioned, there are lots of solutions to that.

    Also, Happy Belated Birthday!

  17. Dripless candles for sure! During college I worked in a shop that sold them and they were great! I think it's amazing, by the way. A total keeper.

  18. Return it... menorah on steroids...

  19. I had no clue dripless candles existed so that totally makes me feel totally different about it. So Ive decided to keep it. Thanks for all the votes no matter how you felt about it.

    And yes, we've made plenty of jokes about it being Liberace's super menorah. :)

  20. I have been eyeballin that very piece for quite some time but deemed it a fire hazzard for my household. I can just see one of the dogs knocking it over and burning my house down!!!LOL..Can't wait to see where you put yours if you decide to keep it. Happy Belated Birthday :o)

  21. It's an interesting piece for sure.

  22. Anonymous12:14 PM

    i LOVE it and say keep it. such drama! perhaps you don't have to use 20 candles at a time (though i probably would!) and that'll cut down on, don't they have dripless candles or something like that now? you could also place it on a sidetable instead of directly on the dinner table when you are entertaining.

    whoops! just read through the comments and see your keeping it. yay!

  23. As soon as I saw it, I fell madly in love with it. It's one of those pieces that defies wondering how to use it. Put something under, but whatever you do, don't. take. it. back! :)

  24. Hi, sorry to ask a question unrelated to your b-day present, but can you tell me about your kitchen cabinets? Manufacturer, etc? I've tried finding the info on your blog, but I'm missing it.

    LOVE your home and your blog.

    Thank you.

  25. At West End has a gorgeous candelabra like this as well - check it out!
    Glad to know the house is still coming together, thanks for sharing.
    Have a lovely weekend beautiful!

  26. Mrs. Limestone... a question about your soapstone if I may...

    I'm renovating a kitchen and have fallen in love with the look and practicality of soapstone. That said, I've only seen one soapstone counter in person...

    it was my sister's brand new counter in her renovation -- I convinced her that soapstone was the way to go.

    I was aghast when I saw the lip around the undermount sink had dozen decent sized chips all around the perimeter. It was as if a heavy pot took a chunk out of the counter every time it went in the sink.

    In your experience, did she end up with a dud piece of extra-soft soapstone? Is she maybe just extra-hard on her counters?

    In other words, how long have you been using you soapstone counter and what kind of damage have you seen around the sink?

    Keep up the great blog!


  27. Keep it. Absolutely.

  28. Peter - We've been using our soapstone for the last 9 months. We selected one of the softer varieties of soapstone (Black Venata) so I was a little concerned but so far so good. I dont have any scratches or chips as far as I can tell. Im sure I'll eventually get them but thats the beauty of the stone for me. I like the patina of age.

    I don't think Im particularily careful with it other than the fact I use a cutting board or plate when Im cutting. I also try not to drag heavy things along the top of it. But those small things are more than made up for by the fact I never have to worry about putting a scalding hot pan on the stone or worry about it getting stained.

    Soapstone isn't for everyone but Im very happy with it. Even my husband who as dead set against it is happy I didn't listen to him :)

  29. How about using a nice framed mirror under it? Might even reflect some of the drama!


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