Style & Skill Crush: Eddie Ross

I admit to spend a little too much time reading blogs. I can't help myself - there are so many wonderful ideas, so little time. So I think it might be time I start paying my dues in blog love land. With that in mind, today Im starting a feature to highlight a favorite 'style & skill crush' (as I like to call them). I certainly have mentioned a few of my favorites before: One Pretty Thing, PVE Design, Restyled Home, etc.

Today's spotlight is on Eddie Ross.

Im sure everyone who has a full google reader blog list is already fully aware of his genius. Clearly, he has many facets including being a fabulous designer,
skilled floral arranger, furniture restorer and stylish crafter but that is not why I am in awe. The skill that absolutely floors me everytime is his amazing way with a flea market!
Ive lived in New York my whole life. Ive been to these flea markets. Trust me, they are not the vintage treasure uptopia that Martha Stewart or HGTV would have you believe. They are 99.99% junk. So its no small feat that Eddie is able to walk into the chaos and walk out with score after score. Its more than a cool trick, its a talent that makes me addicted to his posts. Check out some of the goods:

Not only does he share what he found with his readers, he also gives some good tips on how to score a find yourself. Now if only I could translate some of his tips into flea market gold. Oh design gods, grant me the power of Eddie Ross the next time Im flea shopping. :)
My only question is: Where does he keep all of these great things?


  1. He keeps them in plastic storage bins in the basement!

    (I commented on one of his posts wondering the same thing and he kindly answered my question by email!)

  2. Thanks J..good to know. But how big is his basement????

  3. Eddie is the absolute best. He is incredibly talented and kind. I had the pleasure of interviewing him a couple of months ago and he said that he has access to the basement in his building. He and his partner ae also searching for a country home upstate. His talent for finding the beauty in the most mundane of objects is incredible!

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    i love his blog too!

  5. I love his blog, it's so much fun. I have to admit I wonder the same thing, he finds all of these great things, but where does he put them? This is comming from a girl where everytime she buys something, the question always follows: Now, where do I put this?

  6. Love Eddie -- and always so sweet to send little e-mails whenever I've commented on his blog!

  7. Awwww! Love Eddie and he does have a great eye!

  8. OMG, working for Martha would be an ultimate dream job! I think I have a crush on his style too.

  9. i love his blog!

  10. Oh Mrs. Limestone,
    You are on my stylish have amazing taste and a great eye for wonderful-ness! Thanks for the mention. Flattery will get you everywhere!
    That Eddie is awesome!
    pve design (Patricia)

  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    What a sweet post! Thank you so much! I've always loved flea markets, but your'e right, and as a collector, I sometimes run out of room. The basement defintitely helps. Have a great day everyone...look for a new post later today on a Thanksgiving Gourd Table Setting!

  12. I read Eddie's blog too, although I've never commented on it. He really has a gift in finding treasures out of junk. He really is one very talented person!

  13. He is brilliant!
    And very willing to share his knowledge, creative ideas and overall cleverness - which I think - makes his really outstanding.

  14. Wow! I am very honoured to be considered one of your favourites, as I have always regarded your taste to be beyond exquisite...(which, when I read that sentence back makes it sound as though I am quite vain...oops!:)

    I am definitely going to head on over to this blog you mention. Apparently I have been under a rock, because I hadn't heard of him until today, although I undoubtedly have seen his work (and not known it). Thanks for tipping us off!


  15. Wow, thanks so much! It's an honor to be included in that bunch of favorites. I'm completely smitten with Eddie Ross as well. His blog is so full of eye candy!

  16. Anonymous8:00 PM

    What PVE said:
    I was going to say roughly the same thing. I don't think you are aware of your your own style, which is considerable. And that HOUSE!!!!

  17. Love Eddie Ross! So so talented!


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