Flea Market Finds

In an attempt to find some unusual Christmas gifts, I ventured out with my brother to a independent gift fair organized by one of my favorite blogs, http://www.brownstoner.com/

While interesting to browse, it was a bit of a bust in terms of finding anything. Empty handed after the gift fair, I braved the frozen temps to cross the street and go to the outdoor flea market. There were only a few vendors with their wares due to the tempatures but I did find a few gems of my own amid the other knicknacks.
Im hoping to use the salt and pepper shaker for Christmas. Anyone know if there are any health risks to using old metal pieces for this?
I'll need to get a piece of glass and cardboard backing for the frame but other than that, its perfect. Im not sure what photo to put in there but I ♥ it.

Can't wait til next spring when all the flea vendors are back in full force. Hopefully I can find some more little pieces like these.


  1. The frame is stunning - what a find! The shakers are lovely too - they look like they are silver (are they?), so probably not a risk to re-use. One should always be careful about lead poisoning - unless they are silver inside and out (not silverplate) I would not use them as you wouldn't know if the metal or alloy used might contain lead.

    Great finds!

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    LOVE the frame - everything about it. until you find a fitting picture for it i actually think it looks great on its own.

  3. What a lovely frame! a real treasure, no matter what you put in it.

  4. Great finds! The salt & pepper shaker are beautiful and so is the frame. Sometimes you can get great deals when there aren't many vendors or customers due to weather. Looks like you did great!
    Patricia :o)

  5. What lovely treasures! The frame and the shakers look perfect together. As long as the shakers are silver (perhaps there is a silver mark on the bottom?), they should be safe to use :)

  6. They are definitely not silver...they were only $5. I have a lead test somewhere so I could test for lead contamination pretty easily. But is there anything else I need to worry about?

  7. I love that frame, its so cute!


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