And the winners are...

Thanks to those who commented on the New Years Gift post. Since a few of the top referrers haven't claimed their "prize", I have a few more to give away!


The photos go to...


If you haven't already, go check out their blogs!

Please email me at with your address and I'll get them out to you this month.

Thanks again for playing. I'll definitely be doing more giveaways this year (hopefully with some more valuable prizes!)


  1. Ooh, pick me please. This is a great photo. Especially because it's in B&W.

  2. I love all of your photos, which are very valuable in themselves :)

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    oh my gosh! i won i won! lol. i'm so excited. so excited that i actually had to just click on my name in your post to make sure it was really me...i know, i'm such a loser.

    this gift comes at the perfect time as i was literally just going through my pictures deciding which ones i want to put in frames!

    thanks so much!

  4. Oh, how exciting! I love to win things in blogland. I'll send you an email! Thanks so much.

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Oh my gee!!
    Thank you!!
    I have been behind on my blog reading due to some redecorating. I am so excited!


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