We're back...

We had a fabulous (but way too short) trip. Our internal clocks have gone haywire and we feel like this.

Any guesses where we went? (and no guesses from the people who already know!)

I'll be posting some photos later.


  1. hmm -- someplace on the west coast? San Fran?

  2. Florida? Also, I love that you have an orange cat! Mine's in the exact same position right now ( the other I have no idea-they're siblings)

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Hmmmm no clue...but internal clocks sounds like a clue ?? So I will guess CA or FL but where ever it was I hope it was warm :) ???

    Kathy :)

  4. A cruise? ? Can't wait to see pictures!!!

  5. Hmmm... internal clocks- so my guess would be away from E.S.T...- west coast???
    Anxious to see photos.

  6. Too short to be international...........long Vegas weekend? Vegas was fun, can't wait to go back!= )

  7. Ok I'm going to say somewhere totally random like..... Japan LOL.

  8. I'm guessing Europe -- maybe London? It's easy to get to from NYC, but the time change still makes you feel batty!

  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Please say you went to Greece. I need to live vicariously through someone...

  10. No guesses from me...but we missed your posts!

    Can't wait to see your gorgeous pics!

  11. Your orange kitty is sooooo adorable.

    Hmm. Did you go to....Paris? London? San Fran? Could be anywhere, couldn't it?

    do tell!

  12. I'm thinking somewhere on the Mediterranean. Italy or Greece maybe?

  13. I am sure wherever you wnet was exciting! Can't wait to hear about it. Since we are going nowhere this year, I will live vicariously through you...

  14. I am going to guess Ireland - they had some amazing deals there recently.

  15. Well I know so I can't say ;-) But I hope you had a great mini-trip away!


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