While I'm locked in the basement...

While I may not be actually locked underground, I really am unable to blog right now. I'll share what's keeping me busy as soon as I'm done but in the meantime, I just couldn't leave the blog silent.

It very nearly causes me physical pain to leave this blog bereft of house porn for any length of time, so I found some very wonderful readers to share their own transformations! Hey, I figured you could use a break from seeing my house everyday anyway, right?

If you are anything like me, you are a complete trollop for a good before and after. Much like an internet pervert, I troll the web for these little unspoiled gems. Err...did I take the analogy too far? I think so. Lets strike that from the record!

A note to Dateline: To Catch a Predator, you're on the wrong blog!

But back to my point, I want these guest bloggers to feel welcome. I'm so grateful they shared their homes and their time to post here. Thanks for coming, I hope you stay awhile!

I hope you enjoy Kathleen, Jeannine, Kate and Jessica's notes just as much as I did.


  1. I will be waiting....

  2. I love a good mystery.

  3. Anonymous10:21 AM

    oooooooooh the curiosity builds!

  4. Oh I can't wait to see their guest posts and what you are up to as well!

  5. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate you giving it to me straight because I would then think everything in my head is right and F something up! That I dont want to do! So please, keep it real and always give your 20 cents!

  6. Oooo....the mystery...I love it! I'll be waiting for your return from the basement. :-)

  7. Can't wait to see what you're up to!

  8. Hope whatever you're working on is going well!

  9. So curious.....

    bwwahahahahaha @ to Catch a predator photoshop! OMG! :)

  10. I laughed like crazy with the reference to Dateline: To Catch a Predator particularly because my husband went to high school with Chris Hanson. Looking forward to seeing what you have going on.

  11. I don't know what I'm more excited for...the other guest bloggers' posts or to see reader comments on mine!

    I can't wait...

  12. Hi Mrs. Limestone! :)
    i just wanted to say thank you for leaving the comment on my post about my busines idea. it was great feedback! and although i am a small size i understand your dilemma. it actually happens in all sizes. i am working with a mentor who has sold quite a bit of lots similar to what i am doing. most of them were in the bigger sizes, so she knows quite a bit "tricks of trade" when it comes to bigger size. i have recently stumbled across a lot of good quality and cute size 10, 12 and 14 clothes, so finding them is not a problem for me. and for my second collection i am thinking of doing something in bigger sizes. i will let you know once i have it up, because i would love to hear your opinion! {side note: it may be a little awhile, but sometime in the next few weeks}. once again thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. :)

  13. Oooooh, can't wait to see what is keeping you away. It must be good!!


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