A New Year's Giveaway...

Its been a busy year but I didn't want to let another day go by without giving credit where it is due. So a very heartfelt thanks to each of you who have taken time out of your own lives to participate at Brooklyn Limestone. Whether you are a frequent commenter, someone who emails me privately or reads silently, I appreciate it. Blogging has been incredibly motivating to me but only because you've been so encouraging. Thank you for letting me know I'm not just typing to myself.

Bookshelf Underwood Typewriter Black and White

Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. You want to know what the giveaway is, right?

Because this giveaway is my version of a personal thank you, I wanted to give something personal in return. And then I realized something personal is already right under my nose...

My Photographs!

KneelingStatues2CableCarstoLantauStBasils4RussianDollsRoostersUlun Danu Bratan Temple2

The prize:
The winner will be able to choose 3 prints (any size up to 11x14) or 1 large poster print (up to 20x30) from the collection of photos I have for sale.


How to enter:
1. Comment with which photos you'd select and/or how you would use them.
2. Post about this giveaway on your blog and then leave the link in the comments.
3. Tweet about this giveaway on twitter and then leave your twitter name in the comments.

Enter as often as you like. Please be sure to include a way to get in touch with you in your entry.

I'll announce the winner in January.


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I'd pick from your New York collection. My mom was born in New York and it is her favorite city to visit. I'd give them to her so she have have a Piece of NY close by in California haha.

  2. I would pick a Coney Island triptych. Oh, I hope I win!!!

  3. I love your photos and am redoing my husband's and my bedroom in bright colors! I would choose: Paris12 and Brooklyn27 and possibly EasternEurope11 if I didn't think one of the first two should be poster size. Hmm...

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Oh, I would pick from some of the Brooklyn pics! We visited friends there in early spring but the weather did not cooperate for pretty pics to frame. We have some of traveling all over Europe together, but I'd really like some of Brooklyn, it was such a memorable trip.
    Mandy mandyscherer at yahoo dot com

  5. I love your NY pics, so I'd probably choose 3 of those. I tweeted your giveaway (yellowfrontdoor). Hope I win!!


  6. What a treat indeed. Ok so let's see: Post about this giveaway in my blog? Check! http://sethadoresjai.blogspot.com/2009/12/giveaway-time.html
    Which series would I choose from? The Objects of Affection series. Specifically the b&w of the old typewriter and the series of camera's. Torn between the door and the busts. How would I use them? I see the typewriter in my room over a desk. I would gift the cameras to either my husband or my photography friend. And I would frame the third one and mix it in with my other photos as part of "my wall of fame".

  7. Love the close-up "Wonder Wheel" photo. It has a vintage vibe but with great modern lines. The poster size would look amazing in my living room above my new mid-century modern chairs! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I desperately need some great prints my for my bare living room-- thanks!

  9. I would definitely choose 3 of your photos from NYC. That's where my boyfriend and I first met - so I'd love to have them framed together to display in our new home! I'll be posting this giveaway on my blog (http://first-time-fancy.blogspot.com/) ... and I'll tweet about it as well! (@FirstTimeFancy)

  10. I would choose the Brooklyn ferris wheel pictures for sure. I'm not sure where I would put them, but every time I look at your pics, those are the ones that stand out to me!

  11. I love your images! I would probably go with an architectural print from overseas... maybe Moscow. It would work perfectly in so many spaces in my house :).
    *my email is on my profile

  12. Wow -what an amazing giveaway! I love your photos. I would choose from the South Africa group.
    - Danielle

  13. It was sooooo hard to even narrow down to ones I'd love to use somehow. K, here I go =)

    Moscow2: love the B&W lights and how this building looks! I'd use it in my office, ooooh lovely!
    Moscow9: M for Meeghan! K, nuff said =)
    Paris5: I adore this shot, I'd use it in my living room!
    Brooklyn27: Wonder Wheel! This would go in my very colorful and fun kitchen =)
    South Africa16: This would go in my guest bath, where my new kitten spends a lot of time... it's make him think he was tougher than he is ;)

    Thanks for the fun giveaway! *Crossing my fingers* =)

  14. This is really very kind of you! I'd have to pick one or two from your Brooklyn collection, your love for the area really shines through in the photos. But then I'd have to choose one from your South Africa collection. Ah heck, I may just have to spend some real money here and get something from each collection! Thanks!

  15. I have blogged http://aroundtheblockdesigns.blogspot.com/2009/12/picture-perfect.html)and commented on twitter (oneineverycolor). The typewriter is definitely must-have, win or not. And I love the viewfinders, especially the one with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. B&W photography just makes my heart beat a little faster...

  16. Hi! I just stubbled onto your blog today.... LOVE it! I'm trying to nominate Brooklyn Limestone, but it keeps saying that the application won't work?? I was trying to 'click' on the Nominate Brooklyn Limestone link above. I'll check back and try again later.

    P.S. We have the same dining room drapes!

  17. # 27 Brooklyn Fo Sho!!

    And it would go directly above the fireplace in the play/craft room. And big baby! A big 'ole poster! Ooh! I'm excited. Hope I win!


  18. Hey! Well this comment is shamefully overdue, since I love looking at your blog, but there is nothing like a giveaway to motivate!

    I L.O.V.E. you black and white Paris images! ( and also the black and white New York images!) I would hang them up in my craft room for inspiration!

  19. I love, love, love the Wonder Wheel photo - it would be beautiful in giant poster form hanging in my living room!!


  20. tweeted by Laurendy

  21. So hard to choose! What a wonderful giveaway. Okay... I would pick Moscow13, Brooklyn27 and Eastern Europe 29. Or maybe just one in poster size... I'm already dreaming of where to put them!

  22. I would choose some from the New York series and give them as a gift to my best friend who used to live in New York and misses it dearly!

  23. You have too many beautiful ones to narrow it down to just 3! I especially love the B&Ws. I would chose a Brooklyn bridge photo, the kneeling statues from Bali and one from the Eastern Europe photos.

  24. Ahhhhh so hard to choose. I would probably pick one from Paris, Brooklyn and NY. They would look beautiful in so many rooms in our house.

  25. Stephanie2:51 PM

    I think I would probably pick a Parisian photo simply because it is one of the few places I have visited alone and next time, I'd like to go with my husband. Strangely, I'd probably put it in our guest bathroom because that room has other photos from our travels as well.

  26. I don't have a blog and I gave up tweeting after 3 weeks. But I'd love a NY picture if I was lucky enough to win.

  27. I would pick either Brooklyn # 27 or #31. I am planning on decorationg a nursery in turqoise and red soon and the colors of those pics would be perfect!

  28. I am more than excited about this giveaway since I've already had my eye on several of your photos anyway. I would LOVE your black & white typewriter photo (#4) as a backdrop behind the desk in my office--which I DESPERATELY need to makeover in the coming year.

    I would also choose the two Wonder Wheel photos (#27 & 28) and frame them for my kids' bathroom. I haven't touched it since we moved in but I think those are great inspiration. So whimsical and great colors! I'm excited just thinking about this. Will also let you know when I blog and twitter about your giveaway.

  29. Okay, just twittered/tweeted (still don't know my lingo!) this. My twitter name is emilyaclark.

  30. I would pick the ferris wheel or the Russian dolls - maybe in poster size, for my daughter's bedroom. They'd look fab in there!


  31. First time on your blog! Love it!


  32. I love the Coney Island photos! I'd display them right smack in my entry way.

  33. I just found your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I love your paris pics. I would choose three from that collection. If I were to win.

  34. Great giveaway! We just moved into a new home and the bare walls are a real downer :-( I'd pick from your Brooklyn collection!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Ok, so I have waaay too many favorites. But a few of them are the yellow ceiling in Moscow, the uneven road in Hong Kong and any of the animal pictures from South Africa. Just lovely pictures and very inspiring. I have a few new pictures frames up on my living room wall and have yet to fill them. I just haven't found anything I really like yet. These would be perfect.

  37. I would pick the Brooklyn Bridge and the Believe picture from the NY collection.....awesome photos!

  38. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I would definitely pick from your Paris pictures - they are all lovely.

  39. New York, New York! We were lucky enough to visit this City back in 2004 (we live in Australia). Unfortunately our old 2 mega pixal camera didn't take the best photos.... If I won I would choose three black and white photos of this great City, I would frame them and put them up on our living room wall for all to see.

    Thanks Mrs Limestone for this chance :)

  40. I would choose New York, Paris, and Brooklyn. I am loving the different building and bridges. I won't be able to blog about it because I am new and I don't know how to link back to it etc. Thanks for a great giveaway. We all enjoy seeing everything creative that you do so we get joy out of it all the time.

  41. I would love some NY and Coney Island prints. So lovely! ymm267(at)yahoo(dot)com

  42. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Whatever prints my wife would like, she does have good taste! (reneplasencia@hotmail)

  43. Just sent out a tweet @Tiki267

    Ok, I really can't decide, they are all so gorgeous. I'd really love some Brooklyn photos, and I'm also drawn to your vintage cameras.

  44. Thanks for your giveaway and for sharing your great blog with everyone. Love your classy, sophisticated, glamorous style. My favorite print is from your New York collection. Photo #7. Love the building, the New York taxis, and the BIG Believe...New York style.

  45. btw, mentioned you on my blog and tweeted on twitter.com/carlaobregon.

  46. http://paisleypenguin.blogspot.com/2009/12/artwork-giveaway.html

    Tee Hee - yay!

  47. Anonymous5:31 AM

    What a wonderful giveaway! I would choose a poster size of the puppets from your Eastern European series. I've always wanted to visit and would love to display this in my entry way.


  48. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Great photographs! I would choose either 3 of the Moscow photos, or a poster size of the close-up of the Matryoshka dolls for my guest room...I love that one! I used to live in Moscow and love how you photographed everything! Kim woods598(at)earthlink(dot)net

  49. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Well, my sister just moved out and my husband just moved in from being away at Grad school and we decided to redo a room or two but one we just ifinished was the office....Any of the prints woudl be great additions to the new space although its the clean lines and bright crisp photography style that gravitates me towards your beauties! You can reach me at TaraSox@Hotmail.com if I happen to be the lucky one!

  50. So many amazing shots to pic from, but I think I'd have to choose from the Brooklyn pics and Coney Island. They remind me of my Gram, who grew up there and I grew up hearing all of her fascinating stories. Probably a poster size of the bridge...


  51. Wow, fabulous! I'd definitely pick one of your iconic New York shots, although I also really love the one of St. Basil's.

  52. Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! I would select a photo from Hong Kong and hang it in my husband's office that I'm working on. Probably an image of the Big Buddha, as he spent time working in Hong Kong and enjoyed visiting Lantau.

    Someone is going to be lucky!!!


  53. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I'd get the shot of the birdcages from the Hong Kong set (I've been eyeing it for weeks!), #3 in the Brooklyn set, and #20 in the Eastern Europe set. The first would go in my living room, the second I would gift to my brother since he lives in Brooklyn and the third would probably go in my reading corner.

    Blogged about on MyRowhouse:

    Tweeted about by erinzimm

  54. I love 3, 9, 10 pictures in Brooklyn folder. I'd put them on a wall in my bedroom. I love photos of bridges.

  55. Stephanie, Just wanted to follow up to my previous entries and let you know I've posted about this great giveaway on my blog: http://emilyaclark.blogspot.com/2009/12/great-new-years-giveaway.html

  56. I'm not sure which photos I would select, but I love using photography to decorate and I have tons of blank walls. I hope I win!

  57. I would choose the one in Moscow of all the locks (love the story behind that), the one in Brooklyn of the pink blossoms on the tree, and the black and white typewriter. I don't know where I would use the first two, but the third one I would probably put in an office.

    What a great giveaway!

    dreamindomestic @ gmail . com

  58. I'd pick from your NY pics! Love them, they'd look great in our office!

  59. I was planning on making these wall squares for my living room (from Thrifty Decor Chick), and a few GORGEOUS photos would really snazz it up!
    I would be honored to display your artwork in my home!
    --Allison 112

  60. What a very generous giveaway. I would choose from the Brooklyn photos. As newlyweds in the 50s, my parents rented a room in Seagate. My mother loves to tell stories of how they walked all over Coney Island for entertainment. Looking at your photos I think of my parents as young, broke and madly in love. I'd give the photos to my 15 y.o. son to hang in his room...he's a sentimental fool as well!
    Thanks for the chance.

  61. I'd choose 2, 3, and 5 from Objects of Affection. They work with my eclectic and moody decor. I just love your photos. They are very inspirational to me. You can reach me on my blog! Thanks for giving away something so timeless!

  62. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Oops I commented on the actual photo, the NYC aerial is my pick. I love that city and spent my 40th there recently. I just found your blog from the london times list, enjoying it! email is jenvercelli@hotmail.com

  63. I traveled to Poland in 1986, I was young and my camera wasn't so great back then. I have happy memories of the City of Krakow so I would
    love a poster print of the image #17 of the Eastern European Series-the black and white of the Basilica of the Virgin Mary as seen through the archway of what I believe is the market area of Old Town in Keakow.

    I would put it in a place of honor in my largely undecorated hallway.

    I tweeted about the giveaway at chatelaine08. I also have a blog www.cafechatelaine.blogspot.com

    So after all my rambling, please enter me in your drawing.

  64. Hi I love the Eastern Europe photos and would pick the chandelier photos, I think they are so great!! Hope I win! Happy New Year

  65. Hi! I love your pictures from Paris. I would choose one of those for sure! Happy New Year!

  66. I love so many of them. It would be a painstaking decision. I really love the Moscow series though.

    My twitter is: snootybird

  67. congrats on a great year!! I would love to use some of your "objects of affection" prints to bring life to my kitchen.

  68. tweeted as @newlifenewwife

  69. What a great giveaway! I would like some photos from your Paris collection, they are beautiful. :)

  70. Funny you should ask...several weeks ago I had decided that one of your Brooklyn Bridge photos would be the perfect present for our 22 year-old cousin planning to make the move from Portland to Brooklyn this summer. It's the reverse move that her late mom made as a young girl, leaving Philadelphia's Main Line for a commune in Oregon (!), but similar in spirit.

    A budding photographer herself, she's intoxicated with New York in a way that only someone unfamiliar with the city can be. She's nervous, excited, and hellbent to live in Brooklyn with other artist friends.

    I thought one of your photos would capture all the possibility that her upcoming move represents...


  71. Love your blog and your photos...since we've just endured a large renovation of our 1913 house, I'd love a couple of your (gorgeous) photos for our newly developed basement media room. I'd pick the sepia toned typewriter since I work in public relations. I also love the fact that it's an Underwood typewriter because it reminds me of my past. In grade 5 I accidentally called our new band teacher (whose name was Mr. Underwood), Mr. Typewriter. Talk about word association gone amuck. My second pick would be the collection of old cameras as my husband's hobby is photography and he's collected old cameras since he was a teenager. I think the two photos speak directly to our interests/passions and would look fantastic in our new space (which I'll be blogging about soon): www.timelessstyledesign.blogspot.com

  72. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I would definitely pick from the New York or Paris collections. I've been to both places and your pictures capture them beautifully!

  73. I would love to hang two of your photos on the wall in my office, I have a blank wall that is in dire need of some dressing up..


    and I would most likely choose number 1 & 3 in Objects of Affection.

    The third photograph I would give to my mother (# 18 of Paris) because she actually used to live there when she was my age and would pass Arc de Triomphe on a daily basis.

    Thanks for considering me! -Victoria VNorm1616@aol.com

  74. Paris, Paris and Paris.... I love all your photos, but I love these the most.

  75. I would definitely choose at least one Paris! Then I would sit down and look with my husband. He's been so many amazing places I would want him to have some memories hanging in our place as well. He may even end up picking all Paris since we had such an amazing time there.

  76. I like the Wonder Wheel photo. Seems like something cheerful that I could hang at my new cottage. I am sure it will brighten all 800sq ft. of it! Or maybe the Paris, as Mr. took me there last Thanksgiving, our best trip ever!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. I'd choose South Africa 18, Brooklyn 36, or New York 7. I love that NY7 says Believe. I plan on putting inspirational words or quotes in my office and that would fit in nicely.

    I'll be posting this in my blog http://4theloveofhome.blogspot.com/

    Its a great giveaway. :)

  78. I would love the black and white photos of NY or Paris and I would make a "tryptich" for my sister in law- one lives in NY and the other Paris.
    I know they would love it. I would frame them in a frame I love.

  79. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Love all of your photos. So hard to choose. I think I would go with one of the Brooklyn photos since my husband is from there and hasn't been there in 20+ years. I also love your typewriter shots as well as the Africa ones.

  80. I would pick a poster size of the Russion dolls as it has such charm. I would hang it in my cottage where I house my collections of "bits".


  81. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I am one of your silent readers. I enjoy your blog very much. My daughter and I just moved to a new apartment, and we have many blank walls. A few prints (that I love!) would help make our apartment feel like home. Your love of your home is obvious, and inspirational. I would choose Paris 6 & 11, and Brooklyn 28. Thanks for the giveway & for blogging.

    Lin: mcqueenlin@gmail.com

  82. It would be such a hard decision, but I think I would have to choose one of your Brooklyn pics!

  83. I tweeted about this! @rockchalkgirl

  84. oh.my.lanta.
    i'm torn.
    i would love Moscow 10 to hang in my dining room.. i love the yellow ceiling! and moscow 23 was pretty cool, but i really love 10.
    or... i would have to go with 3 from South Africa (7,9 &22) to put in my son's room. he LOVES animals and loves going to the zoo and jump with joy when he sees the animals. but, i'm definitely leaning towards a poster size of moscow 10.....

  85. Anonymous2:44 PM

    This is too hard. You're a WONDERFUL photographer and you've been some really spectacular places. I would love to have a large print of either #1 or #5 from your "Objects of Affection" collection for my office (I'm a budding professional photographer). But if I chose three, I would take #5 from Objects of Affection, and #7 & #13 from your Brooklyn collection to use in my green and black bedroom!

  86. I'm a New Yorker and love your New York pics. Love The Wonder Wheel and the Brooklyn Bridge. Also something about those nesting dolls speaks to my childhood too.
    Thanks so much.

  87. Oh and I just sent a RT on the giveaway me: KwanaWrites. Hi again.

  88. Anonymous3:05 PM

    It would take me hours to narrow down which photographs to choose! I'm sure I'd choose something from Paris for our bedroom...and I NEED that photograph of your camera collection to display with my great-grandfather's Brownie and my grandfather-in-law's camera. The third...well, that would take some time to figure out, but it would be a fun process! (No pun intended.)

  89. Anonymous3:06 PM


    (AimeeWrites on Twitter)

  90. I would pick from your Brooklyn section. I have family that live in Park Slope, and it just reminds me of them, and the love I have for that area.

  91. I'm going to be remodeling my basement into a family/fun room. I think the brooklyn pics would look great down there!!

  92. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I love the boardwalk picture and the pattern it creates. I'd put that picture up in my game room. It looks a lot like some of my cultural art work.



  93. I love the Paris pics-thanks for the giveaway!


  94. Definitely the flower picture in "Objects of Affection"... it is stunning and I adore the colours and hues with the beautiful bokeh... it would look awesome in my office!!

    Second choice would be the rhino photo on the last page of your South Africa collection. I love the b&w and the placement of the rhino in comparison to the background. Genius.

    Third choice would be the storefronts on the first page of your Eastern Europe series. Something about it speaks to me... like I can feel myself there!!

    Thank you for the opportunity! You're work has so much heart.....

    twitter: steppedonalego

  95. My 2nd entry!

    So many amazing shots to pic from, but I think I'd have to choose from the Brooklyn pics and Coney Island. They remind me of my Gram, who grew up there and I grew up hearing all of her fascinating stories. Probably a poster size of the bridge...


  96. I just have to win!

  97. kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com5:16 PM

    I have always wanted to go to Budapest (at least for the past 10 yrs or so), and would love a photo of same from the Eastern European series -- something to look at and dream and plan the trip I intend to take someday. :)

  98. I have a brand new house with lots of walls I am positive I can find a place for your gorgeous pictures.


  99. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I'd definitely pick one of the Arc de Triomphe pics and the one of Table Mountain with the "tablecloth" since your pics are 500x more amazing than mine were when we went to Paris and South Africa! You have quite the talent, Mrs. L!

  100. oh beautiful pics!! I love all the ones from Paris b/c they remind me of my trips there. I lvoe # 8 in that set (Sacre coeur?). I would put this in my living room!


  101. I love the Wonder Wheel photo (#27)- the colors are so bright and pretty! I would use that in my craft room.
    The second picture I'd choose would definitely have to go in my kitchen, which is of the veggies at the market (#6 in Eastern Euro)
    And the third would be the beautiful tree in South Africa (#3)- just looking at it warms me up!

    I agree with all of your fans- your photos are beautiful!

  102. I'd love a few of your Eastern Europe shots! I would put them in my stairway, it's so boring and needs some character.

    Thanks for the opportunity, and all your photos are wonderful!

  103. I would definitely choose 3 from the "South Africa" set because it's so different than any place I've been or probably will be. I would probably choose 1, 10, 14 - those animals are so cute and majestic!

  104. I would choose Brooklyn 34, 36, and 37 to coordinate with our new pink LR. None of the art from our old house goes.. So sad.

  105. I think you said you can enter as often as you wish. I already left one comment and tweeted.

    I would love the poster print of the Basilica in Krakow. Fond memories of my trip to Poland
    and it would be a nice piece to hang in my hallway which is sadly in need of beautiful artwork.

  106. I love all the B&W ones of cities and architecture. I have an obsession with paris and other european cities, and have rooms in my house decorated in those themes, such as my eiffel tower bathroom. :)

  107. I love your photography and I love NY! Perfect!

  108. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Gosh, so many awesome photos to choose from. I definitely think I would choose a b/w. I love architecture so naturally I'm drawn to those... but I also really love the shots of the cameras in your "objects of affection" series!


  109. Such beautiful photography. I've been a silent reader for a little while and am slowly working my way through your older posts. I love the pictures of Eastern Europe. They remind me of the time I spent there.



  110. Very tough decision! I was immediately drawn to Brooklyn #2, the viewfinder. I would love a big poster print of it, which I would frame and put in my gray & white bathroom. I think it would look awesome!

  111. rena787@gmail.com1:29 AM

    love the pictures from europe!i would like to have one in my office!

  112. I'm not sure if I'm entering too late or not but I love the bird cages in your Hong Kong series. I can't decide if I'd gift it to my mom for her birthday or keep it for myself. :)

  113. All of them :) No, seriously, I love them all. But I think I might go for your Brooklyn ones, namely the cyclone or wonder wheel!

    I don't know what I'd do with them yet. They're just so fun and cheerful, maybe I'd put them in our foyer. Or our living room. Or... :)

  114. Thank you for the opportunity! I'm always partial to the City of Light but you're tempting me with the black & white photos of Brooklyn!!


    duckdodger27@comcast.net or redpoppyinteriors.blogspot.com

  115. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I WOULD LOVE your black and white photos of Brooklyn!!! My [now] husband and I used to live there, and I've been wanting to hang a few of yours from Brooklyn, with a few of my friend's from Buffalo (where we live now) in my dining room!! love love LOVE!! [okay, even if I don't win I'll probably buy them anyway, lol!!]


  116. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I have to say - great giveaway idea! I have been admiring your photos and blog for months now... I keep going back to Moscow and Coney Island sets as my favorites. I was born in Russia and lived in Brooklyn for a few years, so those photos in particular make me smile - and I would love to have them in my home :-)

  117. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Tweeted... thanks for the constant inspiration, my house is in the "before photo" stage, and your "after photos" remind me of the light at the end of the tunnel!!!


  118. I would love a photo from your Bali or Hong Kong collection. The picture of the lion statues or Buddha preferably. Great give away idea - thanks!


  119. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I would love to use your lovely photos in my soon to be decorated guest bedroom/office!!! olivia_flor@yahoo.com

  120. Talk about a hard decision! ALL of your photos are amazing...you've actually really inspired the way I take pictures.

    Even though I *never* win contests in any form or fashion, I have my photos all picked out...just in case. They would be the KitchenAid mixer from the Objects of Affection collection (matted and framed in my kitchen) and then one from Paris and one from Hong Kong for my office. Dreaming of places I want to visit (or re-visit) keeps me motivated through the long working hours.

    Thanks for such a great giveaway and more generally, for your amazing blog.

  121. I would pick a series of three black and whites from Brooklyn, and put them up in our "game room" downstairs. I think they would be perfect!

    Happy New Year!


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