My photos: One year later.

Just about a year ago, I signed up for a service that lets me sell my photos. Wasn't sure how that was going to pan out (because really, who do I think I am?). Amazingly a bunch of you have spent some of your hard earned cash on prints!! Everytime I get an order, I'm pretty much overjoyed at the thought. So I wanted to just say thanks!

In case you're wondering, these are the most oft ordered prints...

And these are the most viewed photos...

If you've used any of my photos in your home decor, I'd love to see if you don't mind sharing. Just leave me a comment with a link.


  1. Your photos are amazing! I always enjoy your travel posts. Can you believe I didn't take a vertical pic of the eiffel tower when I was in Paris? I might have to see what you have for the gallery wall I'm working on.

  2. Truly beautiful images. I really love the one of the two boys and the last shot- stunning!

  3. My new Coney Island photos make their home in my kitchen. I think of my brother every time I look at them. Which is every day. :) Thank you!

  4. Oops! By "new" I mean "two". Heh.

  5. I heart your images. Just gave you shout out on my blog-

    Love your work- one day I will buy a few pics!!

  6. PS You need to add SF to your list of places to travel to- that way you can take some awesome pictures and I can buy them. He he. I'll even show you around SF and I have an in in wine country!

  7. Gorgeous! I've looked at your prints but could never decide on one.

  8. Would love to know which service you are using to sell your photos as I am looking for a service myself.


  9. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Your photos are amazing and I'm not surprised that they sell! I hope to be as successful as you when I start selling my own :)

  10. Your photos are really special, we love ours!! (Buddha and Typewriter...interestingly they are a couple of the favorites!)

  11. That one of the Wonder Wheel just makes me swoon, that blue you captured is soooo pretty! I just need to find a place for it in my palace:)

  12. I love your photography and am "spying" the subway pic in if I remember was in Russia. Plans for our office in the near future.
    Dig your blog too..can't locate pics of your bathroom?? I've been wanting to share them with my hubby. I'll keep hunting..been super busy!
    Enjoy your Holiday weekend!

  13. Daniela3:15 PM

    I would really love to buy your pics but unfortunately they do not ship to Switzerland....
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. I still love my typewriter photograph, proudly displayed in my office :) Eventually going to have the ferris wheel prints framed, as well:

  15. I just love you photos!

  16. I used a few of your prints in my son "big boy" room and I love them!

    Here they are close up where a give you a shout out

    And here they are in the room

  17. Congrats - I'm glad it's proving successful - your photos are gorgeous!

  18. Oooo...I would like a Cyclone photo for my new bathroom (don't ask :-). I'll have to look at your pics and see if it's in there!

  19. Lovely photos. Can you email me the link so I can do some shopping :)


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