So color myself shocked when I saw this magazine, aptly titled STUFFED, at the bookstore. I was totally smitten. While vaguely aware of the whole plushie/softie crafting trend, it never really interested me as I didn't quite see the point. Consider this my confession of a change of heart because this chic lady walking her dog is awesome. I want one!
Anyone out there a softie crafter? How challenging is this? Will I just end up frustrated with a pile of scrap fabric? Inquiring minds want to know.
What kind of crafter are you?
On a related topic: Is anyone else watching Craft Wars? That show makes me so mad! I literally scream at the TV while watching it.
the first thing I ever sewed was a plushie cat ( It looks all wonky but I loved it anyway!
ReplyDeleteI craft because I can't find what I like - if I could afford a full time seamstress I'd never have learnt to sew! But I do get some intrinsic satisfaction from making something with my hands. So maybe I'm both? I definitely don't call myself a crafter because I think that implies a level of skill I don't have - I'm a cobbler!
Eh - not a fan of the plushie. I mostly make things I want for my house but can't afford. My mom was *totally* a crafter back in the day. I could show you some things...
ReplyDeleteThese days she mostly sews and embroiders, but I'm totally grateful I got my skills from her. When I want to make curtains, no biggie. The first thing I ever sewed was my little sister's prom dress...and it was gorgeous. Half the deal with making something is giving yourself the push to do it. It can be scary.
That little lady is adorable! I think she doesn't look too difficult to make at all.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't really a crafter until after I had my daughter. It started with making decor for her nursery and then her birthday party and before I knew it, I was sewing up her Halloween costumes and sitting in front of Youtube to find out how to sew pom-pom pillow covers and matching aprons for us. There is something about being a mom that unleashes the creativity inside you. I say go with it!
I think I've tried every kind of craft out there. Scrapbooking, stamping, cross stitch, painting, modge-podge disasters. Ha! I'm not terrible at any of them, but I'm definitely not quitting my day job to pursue them either. Right now I'm more of a DIY-er, crafting for function and seem to enjoy that the most. Though I am lusting after an incredibly intricate quill piece that I saw on Pinterest!
ReplyDeleteI make party goods such has birthday hats, hair bows, banners, cupcake toppers and etc. Something about having a little girl in your life makes you want to craft to save money for cute dresses and shoes. Who knows, maybe I’ll start sewing my own cute dresses.
ReplyDeleteIve never understood the allure of quilts but I guess I would have said the same thing about plushies until I saw this one so who knows. Love your name by the way - hehee
ReplyDeleteIm told being a mom will unleash the "i have no time to do anything' in me. I'm hoping those people are wrong and you are right :)
ReplyDeleteOh Im super jealous of anyone who can sew their own clothing! I can't seem to sew a straight seem so that option is out for me.
ReplyDeleteOh goodie, someone with plushie experience. Do you remember how long it took you to make your doll?
ReplyDeleteThe cutting and sewing part was a few hours (max maybe three?) then the embroidery on the face I did slowly over a few evenings whilst watching telly!
ReplyDeleteOh, no, they're right too ;) You'll be amazed though how productive you can be during naps.
ReplyDeleteOoooo...I love her! And she would be so cute in a little girl's room! ;0) I have always had visions of commissioning an artist to adorn my someday daughter's bedrooms walls with a picturesque Parisian cafe scene, which will include a little girl in a red trench with her black Scottie. This is pretty darn close! I have some cute notecards purchased from an Aussie on etsy, that I plan to frame in a someday daughter's room. They are along the same vein...cute scenes with girls & dogs in faraway places (London Eye, Sydney Harbour Bridge, etc.). You'd love them if you like this!
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud when I saw this. I've always thought of a "plushie" as someone who has a weird attraction to stuffed animals or dressing up like a stuffed animal. Totally not what you were talking about.... :)
ReplyDeleteha! I think you are referring to the term 'furry' which just so happens to be one of the terms Ive googled for entertainment value. Don't even get me started on "bronies" :)
ReplyDeleteSadly I don't craft at all, but I love seeing other peoples creations!
ReplyDeleteThis was education for me, as I had no idea there were crafting categories/divisions. Pray tell, where would the fine lady with the dog go? Would she be artfully displayed on a table or would she come out at Christmas and live under a tree? Or maybe she'd be part of a bigger collection? I grew up i Europe, in a tiny apartment, and this would be pure luxury in terms of space. Though now that I live in a big house in Suburbia, I could see how I'd be smitten with this category of crafting. As to my crafting ability, when I emigrated to the States I was a nanny for three years and made plushies--though I had no clue that's what they were--and Halloween outfits galore, as well as maternity clothing. Later I made my wedding dress 'cos I was too cheap to buy the $6K version. Now I sew for the house: roman blinds, upholstery, pillows and duvets... that kind of stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cute. I haven't done any plushies but I started taking sewing lessons before we took on the house. I've had to defer that but am looking forward to getting back to it. I would love to be able to make clothes or crafty things one day.
ReplyDeleteOmg, I cant stand the craft wars show! I was so super excited to watch it, but was left so disappointed ! I am so one for reusing and re-purposing but the stuff they give those people seems so odd most of the time. I just dont get it. I believe i have crafters a.d.d so I try everything that interest me at least once and If i like it it sticks around. I mostly sew, silkscreen, and I finally got my own pottery wheel , so exciting in my world. I did sewn a cat out of a denyse schmidt book once, it was super cute and not to hard at all. here is a pic
I have an older copy of the stuffed magazine you mentioned and I love some of the projects in there, Looks like I may have to find the new addition because I think my girls would love a doll like that! Please post if you decided to give it a try, I would love to know details. Good luck!
~ Bianca
I love crafting just for the fun of it.
ReplyDeleteI was petrified to try stuffies when i started sewing, but made a go at this pattern by mmcrafts, called Molly Monkey.
The instructions were clear and helped me to understand the construction. Only took me a few hours and it turned out better than I could have hoped. Here is mine:
Happy crafting!
The doll and dog are adorable. Give it a try... Straight seams come with practice. Re: craft Wars... Couldn't wait for it to air and hated it... What silly challenges... Making stuff out of pure junk in such ridiculous time constraints. Watched it one and a half times... Won't waste my time with any more.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree about craft wars yet I keep watching it! I must be a glutton for punishment. I feel bad for the contestants on the show - if they gave them a more reasonable time frame, Im sure they could do a lot better.
ReplyDeleteHow cute!
ReplyDeleteI completely agree on the show. I don't know why I keep watching. Maybe Im hopefully they will improve the format and it will get better?
ReplyDeleteSuper jealous of your skills. Sewing a pillow is a challenge for me so I dont think I could ever make anything appropriate to wear.
ReplyDeleteI was actually ON craft wars, second episode. You think you want scream at the tv while watching it? Try being on the set and not screaming! I can't watch it anymore..... too frustrating.
ReplyDeleteMy sister and grandma sew dolls, amazing dolls, but I've always enjoyed crocheting and decoupaging myself. =3
ReplyDeleteMy good friend Anisa Asakawa is a plush artist, and I am constantly amazed at what she can create out of fabric! She makes everything from animals to vegetables, and at her wedding last December gave all of the guests plush ornaments as her favor! She has a great blog and Etsy store, you should definitely check it out - especially if you are looking for something super cute for a little girl!
ReplyDeleteVery cute but her prices make me think these must be a ton of work. Are there are a lot of people spending $50 on a stuffed animal?
ReplyDeleteOh then I feel so bad for you. I haven't seen all the episodes - what was your theme?
ReplyDeleteTotally see what you mean, but I think her price point is definitely reflective of the time that goes into each one. For example, on the chickens she makes, each feather is screen printed on, and then hand cut and hand sewn. Either way, I just love seeing what new plush piece she has crafted up, because each one is so cute and unique!
ReplyDeleteIm sure there is a good reason why the price is set the way it is. Just scares me off from making my own :)
ReplyDeletei love plushie dolls for my twinnies...i even developed a pattern and tutorial if you're interested!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS on the baby girl! i'm due with a mystery gender baby (i already have 21 month old twin girls) and can say that having girls is SO much fun! :)