Giveaway: Personalized Travel Map


Thanks to everyone who entered the cozy pajama giveaway - I loved hearing about your favorite parts of the holidays.  Now on to another goody for another one of my favorite things: travel!

As part of my efforts to continue to collect artwork for the man room, I ordered a Textured Ink personalized travel map which is ooooohhh soo fun to fill out.  (I know, modern travelers do this electronically but there is something about a real map and brass pins that makes it much more satisifying!)  This isn't its final resting place but I had to give it a temporary stay in the daylight before it joins the man room collection.  You can even see me in the reflection of the pins if you look close enough :)

Now on the good part! Textured Ink is giving one of these beauties away to a lucky Brooklyn Limestone reader!  Check out all of the styles she has on offer including this brand new bright + playful version of the personalized map. Enter now and make it yours!

To enter, simply leave a comment with your favorite thing about travel - whether it be your favorite locale, a luxury your reserve for when you are away from home, or anything else that thrills you. Be make sure to include a way I can reach you if you win. Share this post on twitter, Pinterest or your own blog, leave the link for an extra entry. Simple as that.  Good luck!


  1. My favorite thing about travel is sleeping late, drinking cocktails in the middle of the day and not being at work! emilyryzak at gmail dot com

  2. I like just getting out of our regular daily routine

  3. exploring, relaxing, cocktails, no schedule....thanks for the giveaway!!

  4. I love being able to drop our usual schedule for the spontaneity that often comes with travel. I also love being back in my own bed at the end of a trip!

  5. I love that it is acceptable to have a cocktail any time of day on vacation!

  6. My favourite thing about travel is the feeling of a new city you've never been to before! I love to travel!!!

  7. I love being able to try that country's cuisine.. you can learn so much about a culture through its food!

  8. Thanks for introducing up to these Textured Ink maps - what a great keepsake! As for my favorite thing about taveling, I love being able to explore a new city and be completely surrounded by a new culture. Just talking about it makes me want to plan a trip very soon!

  9. I always like to try the local foods/restaurants.

  10. I love the memories and photographs I take with me and the people I meet!

  11. My favorite thing about travel is exploring.

  12. The memories and the food!

  13. my favorite thing about travel is immersing myself in another culture - food, history, sites, etc -- and exploring by foot!

  14. my favorite thing about travel is immersing myself in another culture - food, history, sites, etc -- and exploring by foot!

  15. My favorite thing is always getting up early and going with my husband to grab a coffee or tea so we can people-watch and walk around.

  16. My favorite part of traveling is picking out a Christmas ornament from each special place we've been - sometimes we're in such an odd area that you have to get creative but our tree is full of wonderful memories each year. I was just browsing that Etsy store last week!

  17. Favorite thing about traveling is the food. Its always the food!

  18. My favorite thing about travel is experiencing a new place and eating new foods.

  19. i love travel because you're doing different thins and seeing different places. new food. new drinks. new experiences!

  20. I just love experiencing different cultures!

  21. Changing the pace of the day-to-day--combining lots of activity (sightseeing and whatnot) with lots of sloth (lazily reading a great book over local booze in the middle of the day).

  22. I love experiencing different cultures and witnessing history in real life. It's always so exciting to see and learn about new things!

  23. My favorite thing about travel is learning a new culture. It's not until I actually plan a trip, that I start to read and research about what to do and who the people are. And that inspires me! Thanks for sharing!

  24. I love exploring new areas or cities and trying out local foods!

  25. My favorite thing is trying new foods!!

  26. I love seeing all the differences of a new culture, but also it's interesting to find the similarities as well.

  27. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Traveling makes me feel grounded and overwhelmed with gratitude! Plus, it's extra fun traveling with my husband and seeing how differently he sees things!

  28. My favourite thing about travel is the planning! I love to start months in advance, searching out great restaurants, chic hotels, unusaul haunts and amazing's my happy place :-)

    Cheers, Lisa

  29. My favorite thing about travel is the look of wonder on our girls faces when we get to a really cool new place.

  30. I love experiencing something new!

  31. I love the good eats that are out of the norm and watching normal people in their daily lives! michelle.i.mcqueen [at] gmail [.com]

    michelle.i.mcqueen [at] gmail [.com]

  33. THE FOOD. You have no choice but to eat out! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM

  34. I haven't traveled much, unless you count (or lose count of) camping trips--mostly local. BUT, my friend and I have booked a trip to Paris for September 2014. My friend has traveled a great deal, so this map will go to her with some type of "upcoming" pin for our trip!

  35. My favorite thing about travel is putting down the travel guide and just going to discover.

  36. I simply love being around people that are often different from me in each and every way. "Travel makes narrow mindedness impossible." - Mark Twain

  37. I love the ability to be completely spontaneous. It can get hard to break schedules during "every day" life, so being able to really let go of any expectations makes me the most excited.

  38. I grew up traveling (army brat), and my favorite thing was learning about other cultures and their history. It was the main reason I studied history in college. It was always fun to be able to brag when we were learning about places I've been to.

  39. My favorite thing about travel is exploring new places/ taking pictures ! Thanks

  40. I love eating the local foods!!

  41. I always most loved learning about other people and their lives: culture, food, their every day activities. Now my favorite part is to watch the kids learn the same things. I love that they know about how people in different areas live, and that they're interested in all of it!
    Great giveaway! Would love to put this map up in a place for the boys to pin!

  42. I love hiking and that takes me to many awesome places. email: fountainpen14 at gmail dot com

  43. NYC is so busy all the time, any time we go anywhere else, we instantly feel more relaxed.

  44. I love melting away into a different way of living. Just going about something normal in a different culture is what makes me feel like I'm experiencing something new.

  45. my favorite thing about travel is finding great food and cafes in tiny neighborhoods!

  46. My favorite thing about travel is getting quality alone time with my sweetie.

  47. I secretly love getting on the plane, opening a new book or magazine and being disconnected from the world for several hours as we travel.

  48. I love exploring, discovering restaurants and people watching - if it's a city. With the kids, I like finding family activities we can all enjoy, and maybe get them thinking.

  49. The food, for sure. And all the new visual stimuli to take in.

  50. The adventure - from getting to the airport, boarded and getting comfy on the plane to landing in a new location; a change of scenery and absorbing all the new (or repeat) place has to offer. And taking my kids with me and sharing this sense of adventure through their eyes.

  51. My favorite thing about travel is experiencing new things!

  52. My favorite thing about travel is for sure the food!

  53. My favorite thing about travel is making memories with my family :) Love this giveaway! This would be perfect for my girls' room.

  54. I really love all the different kinds of food we can try. We do a lot of our travel based on what we can eat there and which baseball stadiums we can visit. :)

  55. I really love all the different kinds of food we can try. We do a lot of our travel based on what we can eat there and which baseball stadiums we can visit. :)

  56. My favorite part is the sense of adventure, and spending quality time together as a family!

  57. Seeing new things and new people. And food and cocktails.

  58. My favorite thing about travel is opening my eyes and my soul to other ways of the world. To feel like a new person in a new place is a feeling like no other. (

  59. My favorite part of traveling is exploring all the new shops and restaurants and just soaking up the atmosphere of a new place.


  61. I love traveling to get the sense of adventure of seeing how others live life but secretly to put a pin in a map! :)

  62. I love the adventure and discovery.

  63. I love the weather because we love traveling to beaches. I love this map - thank you for the giveaway!

  64. Posted on twitter too:

  65. Favorite thing is doing nothing at all, no deadlines, no alarm clocks. No where to be at a specific time -that is my ideal Holiday. Thanks for the giveaway.

  66. What an awesome idea. My boyfriend just recommended that we make one of these, but looks like a very talented team has beat us to it!

    My favorite parts about traveling are the food, the exploration by foot, and the one-on-one time that you get to spend with whoever you're traveling with.

  67. I love seeing how other people live and being transported to a different setting.

  68. My favorite thing about travel is being lazy without feeling guilty about it!

  69. I just love exploring and adventuring and experiencing something new!

  70. We love exploring new places while on vacation!

  71. I love the different food you can get in a new city - any city, whether it be here in the US or in another country.

  72. As much as I love actually exploring new places and meeting new people, I think the anticipation and the excitement of having some place new to look forward to is the best!

  73. My favorite thing about travel is jus the overall excitement I get from going somewhere new.

  74. I love everything about travel! I love exploring the most. Getting to see how people live in other cultures. Trying new foods too :) Awesome giveaway!


  76. My favorite thing about travel is the realization that the world is so much bigger than you. Traveling broadens my horizons, makes me think outide of me. Of course, a close second favorite is arriving back to home sweet home.

  77. I love getting caught up in the local culture and learning about how ordinary people live wherever I am. If you could drop me out of an airplane over Italy I would stay forever.

  78. I love any travel, but my favorite is when I get to spend a chunk of time in one place, really soaking in the culture.


  80. Second entry
    wolfe dot alicia at gmail dot com

  81. Aw, I want to add this to my home! I think my favorite part of traveling is imagining what our lives would be like if we lived in the place we're visiting.

  82. Also, I pinned this here:

  83. One of my many favorite things about travel is trying different foods.

  84. Anonymous1:53 PM

    My favorite part of traveling is disconnect from the daily grind.

  85. I always end up climbing the tallest building / tower / church steeple wherever I am, and looking down on the city from above :) I love how similar yet how completely different it can be!!!

    Plus all those stairs is a FABULOUS excuse to stuff yourself silly with delicious breads & cheeses & amazing desserts...

  86. For me it's the anticipation of the next trip - and then once I arrive, getting to experience a different culture

  87. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I also pinned the post.

  88. I love how each place has it's own unique character-everything from architecture to food to fashion!

  89. Trying different foods!

  90. I love exploring with my husband...trying something new...getting out of our comfort zone.

  91. I love going to Barcelona!!!! It is - Magical!!! I would like to go to London in the next couple of year. I heart traveling. You can reach me at

  92. My favorite thing about traveling is exploring new places and spending time with my family while doing it!

  93. i think it is the possibilities....and being able to say that yes, i grabbed the bull by the horns and actually did something that i really wanted to do

  94. The first time I ever got on a plane, I was 23. Since, I've made it a point to have a big trip every few years. My favorite thing is feeling so "me" when I'm off by myself in some foreign place. I feel like I can breathe more deeply than at home in my regular life.

  95. I love to explore new places and see the world from a different culture's viewpoint.

  96. My favorite thing about travel is trying to find the places the locals go - hanging out in hole in the wall coffee shops and bars, popping in local bookstores, avoiding chains and things...I love having days to try and live like the people who actually live there would.

  97. My favorite kind of travel is cruising because it gives me a chance to get all dressed up and go out to dinner every night for a week (or more)!

  98. I just love exploring new places…oh and eating all the food!

  99. My favorite thing about travel is all the wonderful people I meet!

  100. Seening new places and eating new food!

  101. I love traveling with my husband and kids and enjoying lots of new experiences together!

  102. I love experiencing new things... and of course the food!

  103. The best thing about travel is it's your chance experience the world's communities first hand! Get your feet wet, make new friends, learn about new cultures, try new gives you a perspective you can never get from home. Love the personalized map to track your travels - what a unique way to remember your new experiences!

  104. I love trying new foods and discovering yummy restaurants, cafes and bakeries!

  105. Also, I loved this product so much that I pinned it to my Pinterest "Maps" board and I also pinned your giveaway at - hope I win!

  106. Excellent giveaway! Ummm.....trying the *local favourites* in cozy little trying new things! Cheers, Valerie.

  107. My husband and I just celebrated out 10th wedding anniversary with a trip to Spain. It was wonderful! My favorite part of traveling to Europe is tasting the wine. It just seems so much better than the wine we can get here in the States. I have always wanted one of these maps!

  108. Food! I plan most of my travel around food -- even business trips, I instantly start researching the eats. I love this idea, maybe I'll make one!

  109. I definitely love the food. Each city has their own special something that makes it unique. I've been looking for a map like this!

  110. My favorite thing about travelling is going to a new culture and trying to piece it together.

  111. I love the excitement of discovery when I travel. Travel is a big part of mine and my husband's life together and this pin map would be a perfect way to display our adventures.

  112. The thing I love most about travel is experiencing new cultures and in that learning that no matter where I go people are just people like me even with their differences. Great question and great giveaway!

  113. I love the whole adventure of getting somewhere, even the different airports. If it is a especially arduous trip, I enjoy the destination all the more.

  114. I love to travel knowing that no one knows anything about me. That and not having to do dishes...

  115. I love the whole adventure of getting somewhere, even the different airports. If it is a especially arduous trip, I enjoy the destination all the more.

  116. So much fun! I love indulging in restaurant meals when I'm on vacation -- almost every day must feature at least one sit-down resto meal!

  117. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I love absorbing everything about the culture when I travel abroad. Trying different foods even using public transport if I can't speak the language. Has been a challenge a few times, but its the best way to get to know a city.

  118. I tweeted the giveaway!

  119. I love the adventure of a long road trip...but I love the feeling of coming home more. It makes you appreciate the humble simplicity!

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. Favorite thing about travel - making it happen! Before a kiddo, it used to be so easy we took it for granted. After a kiddo, it's so much tougher, but amazing to do as a family. I hope to pass the travel bug to her...she'll go to Europe twice in 2014 (at the wee age of 3!).

  122. My favorite thing about travel is seeing new places, and trying local cuisine!

  123. Favorite thing about travel - just getting away with our family and exploring together.

  124. My favorite thing is absolutely the food. It gives me inspiration to last for meals back home throughout the year.

  125. Nothing makes me happier than a trip with my family. And seeing new places!

  126. Exploring new places is one of my favorite things

  127. We always try to hang with the locals, instead of being caught up in the tourists traps! Makes for great company, food and fun!

  128. My favorite thing about traveling is learning about a new culture.

  129. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Love the adventure, the foods, the smells, the languages....absolute favorite thing to do!

  130. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Love the adventure, the foods, the smells, the languages....absolute favorite thing to do!

  131. I love seeing a new place for the first time. It's all so fresh, and there's so much to take in -- it's just a thrill.

  132. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I love taking people to places I've been before but they have not. Showing someone a place you love is the best feeling!!

  133. I love learning about the ways other people live and the variety in the world.

  134. My favorite thing about traveling is the food!

  135. I love getting to explore new cities! It fascinates me how every one is unique. But I'm especially jealous of where you spend most of your days...I would love to go back to NY, every day, all the time. Can't stop thinking about how amazing it all was!


  136. I love long road trips with my husband. We talk, listen to music, read a book, or listen to a book on CD. We just like the time together

  137. I love long road trips with my husband. We talk, listen to music, read a book, or listen to a book on CD. We just like the time together

  138. I love seeing new vistas!

  139. I love to show my kids that there are so many cool places in the world that are so different to where we live!

  140. I love when we find the things that the actual locals do, so much more cultural then!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  141. I tweeted as well!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  142. I love the anticipation of travel! Knowing I have a change of scenery on the horizon does great things for my mood :)

  143. Definitely meeting people! And hearing their stories.

  144. Tweeted!

  145. Pinned!

  146. My favorite thing about travel is spending time with my family and friends as we learn about life in other parts of the world.

  147. I love the photos we take. I'm pretty sure the only time my husband and I wind up in the same photo, it's because we're on vacation.

  148. My favorite thing about travel is the break from the day-to-day routine and work! It feels wonderful to get away!

  149. The best part of travel is new flavors and food!

  150. I like seeing how the other half lives. Anything that forces me out of my comfort zone is not only an opportunity to learn, but also to grow. Great giveaway -- thanks!

  151. Anonymous8:09 PM

    My favorite thing about travel is discovering all the beautiful things that our planet has to offer. The world is so vast and so different and every place is so unique. My husband is from another country so as a couple we've embraced travel and share a great love for it. This map would be perfect for us in our new home!

  152. Anonymous8:21 PM

    My favorite thing about travel is seeing and experiencing all of the beauty that the world has. It may sound kind of cheesy or obvious, but I truly just love being able to see more and more of the world. Traveling with a favorite friend or family member and creating memories with them is a close runner-up.

  153. Oooh so many things to choose from. For me I love just exploring, getting to know a new place and finding great places to eat. I feel like when we travel we are always thinking about our next great meal - it's especially wonderful where you are somewhere that has local dishes worth checking out! :)

  154. I tweeted about this too! I'm really excited... and if I don't win may need to buy one for myself! So awesome! :)

  155. My favourite thing about travelling? The unknown.

  156. I love experiencing the true local cuisine when we travel. We pull over on random back roads when we are out of the country and enjoy a good meal with the locals! I am a very adventurous eater and will try ANYTHING once :)

  157. I love being immersed into a completely different culture.

  158. So hard to answer! I enjoy just getting away and experiencing a new culture more than anything.

  159. I love going to great local restaurants!

  160. As my husband and I have traveled more and more together, I find myself trying new things, usually food, that I wouldn't dare try at home. Paris forced me to embrace hot coffee and to not question mysterious meats on a beautiful charcuterie plate!

  161. My favorite thing about travel is going somewhere warm! Living in MN, I am already getting excited for our January trip to the Bahamas! :)

  162. Waking up the first day of my travel because there's the anticipation of something new for the next however long I'm there. The first cup of coffee from some local shop you've never been to before. And it doesn't matter how exhausted you are, you just keep going. (I'll rest on the plane ride back.)

  163. Hmm, it would have to be having my mind changed, my assumptions checked, my previous knowledge unlearned, and my world transcended by whatever breathtaking foreign reality is unfolding directly in front of me.
    Because after all, it's foreign only to me.

  164. What I love about travel is the sense of amazement that I get by seeing a new place. Learning about the place and get to experience it.

  165. I love the freedom travel brings. You can go anywhere, see anything and become anyone you want to be.

  166. I love seeing new architecture and exploring shops, cafes, local sites, etc.

  167. Anonymous11:10 PM

    My favorite part of traveling is taking public transport around a new city and using vacation as an excuse to eat at really fancy restaurants!

  168. I love spending my time relaxing by the ocean!
    bethresul (at) aol (dot) com

  169. I love learning about the area when I travel. When in Dublin, Ireland, we spoke we talked to the locals at the bar, a proprietor at another. Talk to the front desk staff, waitresses. Look up and around you everywhere you go. That's what we're trying to do as we travel. I have pins for my husband, myself (and our trips together) on a US map, but have been looking for one of the world now that we have used our passports a time or two.

  170. I pinned this, as well:

  171. I love meeting new people, hearing their stories and finding the similarities and differences between our cultures!
    s.heywood at hotmail dot com

  172. The best thing about travel is that no matter where you go or what you plan to see you automatically get bonuses no matter what. There are all those extra little things that you did not plan for, did not expect and yet they become a part of the story. They can be huge and life-changing but just as often are the simple things which just happen as you explore and experience the new.

  173. I like finding the hidden gem that only the locals know about! Also, listening to all the different languages or accents from around the world!

  174. My favorite things about travel are the food and experiencing new and different cultures. I love these maps - I have always wanted something like this!

  175. Anonymous6:38 AM

    What a great giveaway! My favorite thing about travel is the change it makes in me - forces me to do things I never thought I would, see things that I ordinarily overlook, meet people that I would never have the chance to meet, do things I never thought possible ..... all because I feel liberated through travel!

  176. my favorite thing about travel is the sense of adventure! even just going out to a restaurant is so much more exciting when you are traveling!

  177. My favorite thing about traveling is going to places off the beaten path. :)

  178. So many things to love, but my favorite is always getting lost in the moment taking pictures of a place I've never been before.

  179. My favorite thing about travel is breaking the monotony of every-day life, seeing new places, and feeling alive!

  180. I love seeing new places and of course eating food!!!

  181. No schedule, meeting new people, seeing new places, trying new food. (

  182. I love getting away from a scheduled (work) day. We usually head down to FL & I love waking up early & walking the beach with a bloody mary :)

  183. My favorite thing about travel is the food. And bragging about eating all the food after.

  184. My favorite thing is to find things that the local do! Case in point: the wooly pig festival in Budapest

  185. So many entries... I would have to say my favorite thing about travel is how it makes you have that childlike wonder again. You are in a completely new place, and discovery is waiting around every turn. It's just magical.

  186. Great giveaway! Love to see new places and of course, eat great food and try new wine! Thanks for the chance to win.

  187. My favorite thing about traveling, aside from uninterrupted time with my manfriend, is trying new restaurants!

  188. My favorite things about travel are seeing beautiful scenery, experiencing new cultures, different people, and lots of yummy food.

  189. My favorite part is seeing my boys faces light up when they experience new things, as we create new memories. The memories will stay with us forever!

  190. Obsessed with maps thanks for the opportunity! My favorite things about travel is experiencing new things, people, tastes, sights, smells like I'm the first to ever experience them..such a thrill, wish I could travel more!

  191. My favorite thing about travel is going to new places and experiences the culture, and the food, and the sights, and the people.

  192. I love getting a little lost when travelling. Not too lost, I'd get nervous, but just enough to stumble upon something wonderful.

  193. Visiting those places that remind me of someone I love. I go to the beach every year, it was my father's favorite place, San Francisco reminds me of my husband, and in the mountains I feel close to my mother.

  194. I've been looking for a map like that!
    My fave thing about travel is getting to try new foods!

  195. My favorite thing about traveling is the food!

  196. My favorite thing about travel is the food!!

  197. I work from home so I just love to get away!

  198. My favorite thing about traveling is scheduling some "down time" each trip just to wander and to try to soak in the sights, aromas, sounds, and really experience a new place without any agenda. Getting a bit lost can be fun too...

  199. Travel always brings a fresh perspective! ...and the good food is a bonus...


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