Wooden Baby Growth & Milestone Chart

Once Agatha was standing I wanted to start marking her height but I couldn't quite bring myself to mark up the walls nor did I really love any of the growth charts I've seen for sale.  The solution: a wood board and a sharpie.  An aged board would have been way better but I didn't have one of those handy.


Since I had lots of room, I included boxes to mark other interesting milestones and firsts for her.  The type of things that I might forget if I didn't write down and she might find interesting: countries + cities visited, halloween costumes, first words, schools, books read, etc.  I tried not to make them too baby centric so the board stays relevant for more than just the first few years.

I added a coat of Danish oil thinking it would darken up the wood but I don't love how it highlighted the grain. I probably should have just left it bare or stained it prior to writing on it but live and learn.


  1. This is such an awesome idea-- I have one of these in my house too but it's not near as cool as this!

  2. What a beautiful and simple way to capture your daughter's growth! And your handwriting is amazing. Great job!

  3. That is so perfect. Love it!

  4. I've seen growth charts done before, but THIS is amazing! From the fonts to the milestone boxes. I am in love with this project.

    1. Thanks so much Mindy. I almost wasn't going to share it because it didn't turn out quite like I wanted but reading that makes me feel good.

  5. Anonymous1:08 PM

    This is AWESOME!

  6. This looks SO great! I love the addition of all of the milestone boxes. What a treasure it will be when she grows up!

  7. What a truly unique and wonderful way to track Agatha's growth....and she's such a happy girl!

  8. Wish you would sell these on Etsy! Love the fonts. This seems so much more personable than the things I've being seeing.

    1. You should try one yourself. Its all by hand so lots of squiggly lines and imperfect shapes but I knew that going in. If you wanted something more perfect you could painters tape to keep your lettering and boxes straight.

  9. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Love this growth chart! It is absolutely fabulous!

  10. This is such an innovative take on a growth chart! I love it.

  11. This is SUCh a fantastic idea, Stefanie! I've been looking forever for a growth chart I actually like. LOVE, love, love this.

  12. That looks so nice..I'm interested what stuff you all write down? What does the big numbers 0 to 5 mean? Or could you tell all sections?

    1. The numbers are for photos of her at each age. (you can see i haven't gotten around to putting those on). The rest of the sections are:

      Milestones: First crawls, steps, walks, first day home, first words, etc.

      Adventures: Countries and cities visited, first plane/train/boat ride, amusement parks, etc

      Education: School name, date, etc, first book read, first scribbles, etc

      Celebrations: Santa sightings, halloween costumes, birthday parties

    2. What are the small rectangles just under the word milestones? :)

    3. "First day home" and "christened on"

  13. That is gorgeous! Both the growth chart and Agatha. I wish I'd seen this earlier and now our kids are 5-3 and all we have are measurements from the doctor's visits.

  14. Did you stain this before or after you added your sharpie?
    I love this.

    1. I applied the Danish oil afterward but if I had to do it over, I would have stained it a gray color and then added the sharpie. The Danish oil didn't really do what I had hoped.

  15. Would you, could you pkease post close up pics of each section?? Id love to replicate this!!

  16. Love this idea!!! I am looking to replicate it this weekend! Can you please post pics that your cutie pie is blocking? What are the sections on the bottom?

  17. Beautiful! I am going to try and replicate this for my granddaughter. Close up pics would be great.

  18. What size board did you use? type of wood? I love this it is so perfect! I have two little boys I would like to make these for.

    1. I believe its about 10 inches wide but I'll measure and get back to you. I don't recall the type of wood but I picked the cheapest option that looked about the right size to me in the store - maybe its pine? I would have preferred less grain so if I were to do it again, I'd go with something that has less movement on the board.

  19. I LOVE this idea! It's so unique and special!
    Would you please post pictures of each section??

  20. I would love to try and replicate this, is there any way to see pictures of the entire chart close up?

  21. Hi Stefanie! Just wanted you to know you that a post you weren't sure about sharing inspired a very special corner on our house! In doubt, just keep sharing! :D If you want to see, I shared my project here: http://www.pingodetinta.com/2015/08/23/a-special-gift/ All the best for you and your beautiful family!

  22. This is the most beautiful growth chart ever! SO glad you shared this!!!

  23. Could you send me pictures of the lower sections? valerieck79@att.net

  24. I would love to know what all you put on here. Also, what kind of marker did you use? Just a regular sharpie? It looks awesome.

  25. Anonymous9:38 PM

    What are the categories at the very bottom under celebrations? This is so beautiful!

  26. Do you have close up pictures of sections? This is so amazing!

  27. Anonymous9:49 PM

    This is the best growth chart that I have seen! What are the categories you used? Can only see the top 2 in the photos

  28. Any idea on the width of the board? Thanks!


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