Just back from Korea

We just got back from a great trip in Korea and we are all still a little jetlagged and out of sorts.  It will be a while before I have a chance to go through all my photos but here are a few favorite snaps I got with my phone.

Korea is an INCREDIBLY baby (or should I be saying toddler? whats the protocol here?) friendly place.  We were floored with how everyone wanted to make goo-goo faces with her, give her treats and just generally made us feel welcome.  

I was very stressed about how Aggie would do on a long flight but I worried needlessly.  Now back to real life!  And yes, I'm waayyy behind on Halloween prep.  I know I say this every year but this year its even worse with going away at the end of September.  I need a Halloween intern :)


  1. Great shots! That one of her reading is too funny!

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Ooo! Pick me!! I'll be your Halloween intern!

    1. You think I'm joking? I have a long list of projects that I wont get to. Unlimited candy corn to anyone who wants to help :)

  3. Jordan and I are so glad you are seeing the REAL world with your tot and not just that man-made world (you know the one I mean) in Florida.

    1. Yes we try but I'm hoping to visit Disney next year so we go both ways :)

  4. Korea is very baby oriented. I have a korean friend, she says you could literally trust your child with anyone. Can you imagine!

  5. Our daughter will be traveling to New Zealand with her son who is exactly the same age as Aggie. What did you take with you to make her (and your) trip wonderful on the plane? Rafe has not flown since he has been mobile----therefore, he may be entertaining the cabin. Any wonderful suggestions? Thanks.

    1. What we brought: a doll that had plastic clothing that snaps on and off (this kept her entertained for 10 minutes at a time), a water pen coloring book (that we never needed but I had in reserve just in case), a few of her favorite snacks (since the food on the plane wasn't going to be appealing to her), her sleep stuff (which in our case is a sleep sack, a stuff elephant and a pacifier) and an ipad. This is the first flight she has any interest in TV and its been soooo much easier to be able to keep her solidly entertained for a prescribed amount of time. We dont usually let her watch too much tv or eat snacks as meals but all bets are off for plane rides - anything to get us through. Hope she has as good experience as we did! I was totally dreading it but it was all for nothing - I even got to watch a few movies and enjoy a meal while she slept.

  6. When your baby is that beautiful, everyone in the entire world will want to make goo-goo faces with her!

  7. Stefanie, thank you so much for posting about your travels on your blog. My husband and I took our honeymoon last year and we got some inspiration from your South Africa post. We stayed in Cape Town (Cape Grace), took a trip to Victoria Falls in Zambia and capped it off with a stay at Londolozi. It was the trip of a lifetime!! Hearing other people's travel experiences, rather than just a guide book, really helps us make the leap from dreaming to purchasing those plane tickets. Love your blog!


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