Home Office Part 5: Done for Now

I've been a busy bee. Attempting to use my motivation to complete a project to my advantage, I actually have completed a project. Well, sort of. I would still like to replace the window shade; add something on the wall over my desk; load a few more books and things I use regularily into the credenza but Im just going to call this room done for now.


I wasn't intending on finishing off the room so fast but I just happened to stumble upon a $99 black and tan zebra rug at Target. It was the last one left and it called to me. So instead of accomplishing my gift finding objective at Target, I managed to find this instead. Once I had the rug, I felt compelled to get the rest of my act together and 'finish' the room.


As I mentioned in my last post, I had a plan for those two empty frames in the room. I used the top one to display a wooden scissors I had picked up a few years ago. I always liked it but never had a good way to put it front and center. Voila. What do you think?

The bottom frame got a pegboard organizing station. Since I tend to spend almost as much time finding my supplies as working on a project, I thought it would be a good idea to have all my most oft used items on display. The pegboard got a coat of gold enamel paint, just like the scissors. I added some pegboard hooks and its ready to go. Im not sure what other supplies I need to have at the ready but Ill finger that out as I go along.

If you remember, the scissors was originally a bare wood with some tacky words on the blade. I painted it gold using my new favorite thing - this gold enamel paint. Its very thin and has a great lustre to it. I have a feeling you'll be seeing some other gold painted items in my future. :)

With Thanksgiving in mind, Ive been very lax in thanking the very talented Snappy Chic (aka Heather Spratt) for sending me one of her prints. It needs to get framed properly but I couldn't stand having it hidden in the envelope any longer so it got the honor of being the first thing on my inspiration board. Its a photo of a carosel in Paris. The color and composition is beautiful. If you are looking for some great prints for your home, check her out.
Bonjour and Paris Photo
Below the it, I added this "Bonjour" sign I found in the Christmas decor aisle at Macys. Not sure what this has to do with Christmas but I still love it. Glass glitter makes me weak in the knees :)

Hand Painted Window Treatment
Last but not least, I tackled the window. Using some birdy branch clipart as inspiration, I hand painted on the lower pane using some acrylic cream craft paint. Then I pulled out this rattan shade I had saved from years ago...it doesn't quite fit but it was 100% free so that was an offer too good to pass up. I'd like to switch it out for something else later but this is good enough for now.

So thats pretty much it when it comes to my office. As you can see, its quite a departure from the style of the rest of the house. Its a departure from my style in general actually. I generally tend to go for a much more muted and calm decor. I wanted this room to be more of a fun space. A place where I could be inspired and make a mess but also a room with personality. Im pretty happy with how it turned out but Im always up for suggestions for improvement.

For the record, here is what it looked like before:
2nd Floor Kitchen/Office Before


  1. Oh. my. word! THat is a gorgeous room, I am just so impressed. It looks great, you've done an excellent job! I couldn't even imagine that it would look how it does now, much less make a suggestion for making it any better (I don't see how). Love the window!

  2. WOWZA!! I want to create in that place...!

    It's Gorgeous!

    Just a niggle...but is it possible to move that fantastic rug under the console AND under the desk? So it is centered in the room a bit more?

  3. It looks awesome! Great job!

  4. What an incredible transformation! Phenomenal job!

  5. What an Awesome work space~ very Inspirational :)

  6. this is the best office ever!
    i love your colors...scissors...frames, rug, window.....it is all so fabulous!
    great job!

  7. It is truly incredible , you should be so proud , put it up on Rate my space for fun ?? The shade looks perfect , that is a great fit , it is very inspiring , I am stealing the framed peg boards they look so pretty and functional .The colors are so juicy and gorgeous.
    What is your trim color in that room , it is so creamy .
    What a before and after from ruins to ravishing.

  8. OH Wow! I am loving everything about this room and how it came together. The color is fabulous! And great find on the rug!

  9. Your office looks great. I'm sure you'd certainly feel inspired and want to go "work" in a space like that!

  10. I love how it all turned out, especially the frames and the window art. Very inspiring idea there.

  11. wow. you really need a side-by-side of the before and after. that is incredible.

    love love love the birdies on the window!

  12. It looks absolutely amazing! You should be so proud of yourself! I especially love the framed peg board! I think I'll give this a try in our condo. Thanks for sharing these pic's! They're my motivation for re-doing our workspaces at home.

  13. LOVE it!! Especially the window and the gold scissors! It's such a happy space!!

    Thank you for mentioning my shop. I'm so glad you like the print. BTW...I think it looks great just where it is! And personally, I cannot get enough of the glass glitter!! I'm totally diggin' the "Bonjour"!!

    Happy December,

  14. Fabulous! Love the window treatment too, it goes so well with the frames!

  15. Absolutely freaking GORGEOUS! Love, love, LOVE it.

  16. "It was the last one left and it called to me...." It was Karpet Kismet! :-) Nice work!

    I can't believe how complete the room looks with just a few additional tweaks. You done good, Mrs. L.

  17. Wow, oh wow, does that look great!! I love the rug, and you are unbelievably clever in how you used the frames. Great job!!

  18. Absolutely lovely...I am so completely envious of your ghost chair...~sigh~

    You've outdone yourself again!

  19. Anonymous10:31 PM

    as i was reading this post and looking at the pictures i thought to myself 'this is such a departure from the rest of the house..' but in a GOOD way - so it's nice to see you think the same thing. it looks fantastic, great job! like such an inspiring space.

    plus i LOVE gold so the gold accents are wonderful - think i may have to pick this paint up :)

    p.s. the window art is so cool

  20. GORGEOUS!!! what is that wall color?!?!

  21. Marvellous job my dear. You are so talented. I like the window art most, and the rug is a great steal! Wonderful wonderful work! Isn't it nice to do something outside your usual zone?!

  22. I like the lamp on your desk. Where is it from?

  23. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Fantastic. I LOVE it!

  24. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Fantastic. I LOVE it!

  25. it looks absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! i love the giant scissors in the frame!

  26. Wild about your office. Can I come and work there!

  27. Thanks everyone! You're all too sweet.

    I promise, you won't be seeing any more animal prints in my house after this :)

    The paint on the wall is Benjamin Moore "Waterfall".

    The lamp is from Pottery Barn but they don't sell it anymore.

  28. I love everything about this room. Great idea with the frames!! Enjoy this fun room.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I absolutely love it! Its gorgeous!!

    Great job!!

  31. Wow, absolutely fabulous. I knew that zebra rug would be wonderful.

    Wish I could get this motivated to get something done.

    Good job!



  32. This looks amazing mrslimestone! Unbelievable transformation. Quite an inspiring place to create in, for sure.

    Once again, Bravo.e

  33. I want this as my office. LOVE IT!

  34. It looks so incredible!! What a fun space.

  35. I love what you have done! The colors go so well together and the peg board is awesome.

  36. I agree with Chris...this must go on Rate My Space! With the shot of the before & then after, it truly makes you blink a couple of times. It is awesome! Love what you did with the frames, the window and the rug really POPS!
    Way to go!!!

  37. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Wow... The room looks amazing!!! I am lusting after the scissors.


  38. OMG, I am in LOVE!! Your office is AMAZING, I am so jealous and I wish I had one exactly like this of my own...ahhh hopefully one day :)

  39. This is absolutely...WOW!

    Genius...I'm speechless.

  40. This might seem like a really silly question... but what do you store in the bureau/buffet cabinet in your office? And how do you organize everything in the drawers? The reason I ask is because I've been using an antique bureau for storing all my crafty/stationary/gift "stuff" like cards, wrapping, and gifts to give and it's become a real mess. I was just wondering how you keep everything in the drawers organized. I also really love the stationary card holder in the corner - I think I remember seeing that at Pottery Barn... it looks so fab! :)

  41. Jersey Girl: I don't keep all of my stuff in the bureau. I have WAY too much crap to fit in there. I have a whole closet with all of my supplies (I posted the photo in an earlier post).

    Im just keeping things I use on a regular basis in the cabinet. The shelves have small paper cutter & books Im using at that particular moment. For the drawers, one drawer is for random junk that has no category, another draw for receipts and paperwork, the bottom draw for glue guns and other ugly things that I need access often.

    Hope that helps!

  42. Love your office. Great finds and very creative use of them. Enjoy the space.

  43. Absolutely fabulous! I enjoy your blog so much. You are so talented and I appreciate that you do it all on a realistic budget. This office space is magical!

  44. I love the hand painted window detail - oh my! The rug, the paint color, the gold, WOW. I heart your office.

    Very well done Mrs. L :)

  45. I.Love.This.Room. From the wall color, to the chic furnkture, to the creative accents. So different from the rest of your beautiful house but so lovely. Worth the wait!

  46. Love it! Everything looks great. The scissors on the wall are fun!

  47. Anonymous10:08 AM

    AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!!!! I could LIVE In this room! From the zebra rug on the floor to the sweet little birdies on the window (and the fact that it is painted my FAVORITE color) all I can say is FANTASTIC!!!

  48. Gorgeous! The rug was the perfect touch in there & I love the aqua walls. I've been by here before, but need to add you to my bloglines, so I'm doing that right now & to my blogroll. You have some really great ideas!

  49. WOW! This room is AWESOME!
    It is beautiful.

  50. Oh fun!!! Thanks nester for leading me here!

    Your metal desk caught my eye. Is it real metal? I have a metal island in my kitchen. So unique, I adore metal! It's on my blog if you wish to check it out.

    You have some really cool original ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!


  51. I'm visiting from Nesting Place. I LOVE your room! It's so beautiful and full of personality! Love those giant scissors.

  52. Your room looks FABULOUS!

    I love what you did with the clip art on the window. I have windows in my dining room that need a little "something"...your idea is perfect! Do you remember where you found the clip art? I love it!

  53. Complete fabulousness! I love it all. It looks super high-end. Want to do the framed peg-board myself. Would love to hear more about the clip art painting. It's fantastic.

  54. Complete fabulousness! I love it all. It looks super high-end. Want to do the framed peg-board myself. Would love to hear more about the clip art painting. It's fantastic.

  55. Holy Cow!! It looks amazing! I love the scissors.

    Also, I love the aqua you used, and yet still kept it neutral and elegant. I want to use aqua too,but I only ever see it paired with red in a mod style, so this is a great tip for me.


  56. Gorgeous!! So neat! I just got done photographing my new studio this week - I use the same colors, but mine does not look magazine-worthy like this! I'll be posting in a couple days. Enjoy!

  57. WOW! WOW!! WOW!!!

    love your style!

  58. Love, love this room. I am wanting to paint my paint studio a new color... I'm gonna have to look at BM's waterfall. Question.... where do you get that gold paint? I own a paint company in Kansas City and I've not seen that brand. Blessings,
    Jennifer Allwood

  59. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Holy. Moly.

    This office is stunning.........gorgeous and very sophisticated.

    Your style is impeccable.

  60. holy crap! i'm so into your style!!

  61. ashleytx8:49 PM

    wow! this is such a cool study! where is the metal desk from?

  62. Very nice. So unique!

  63. LOVE it! I've never used pegboard inside. And now I must.

  64. The room looks fabulous and I just love the zebra rug! I'm dying over the gold paint. The scissors and peg board are gorgeous! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  65. Wow...I super love it! I really love the gold framed peg board...I'm going to have to remember that for my own craft room.

  66. L-O-V-E the idea of painting on the window pane! Did you have to do any sort of priming or protecting?

  67. Your office is to die for! I want it!!! I love every single thing about it.

    Thanks so much for linking up to the CSI Project! We really appreciate it. I hope you will come back next week for our Hardware Store challenge!


  68. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Great Job, everything looks fantastic. Feels good doesn't it. Linda Connolly

  69. Just found you through CSI...what a gorgeous room, and I great place to 'be'. Thanks for sharing!

  70. Very inspiring! You have done a lovely job!

  71. Saw you at CSI. Wow oh wow. Amazing room. Who would have thought gold and turquoise could look so good together.

  72. Carole Crandall9:08 PM

    Oh, too bad.....I love the birds!  I seem to have a thing for bird pictures, stamps and bird art in general.  I even like sketching them (colored pencil).  Your office is striking.....love the rug (and from Target no less).  Great job!

  73. Ilana Graf12:59 AM

    Great idea to paint the design on the window pane.  Especially, when your view is not diverse.  I love the zebra rug too.


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