I love presents!!

Guess what a very thoughtful Mr. Limestone got for me?

No, not a pygmy goat*!!

A big huge beautifully ornate mirror. Just perfect for this idea!

After my post about the idea last week, one very sweet reader sent me a listing for a Craigslist mirror that was ABSOLUTELY perfect in size and style. Alas, it was not meant to be - it was sold before I could press the 'send' button on my mail. But I kept searching and found this one earlier this week and forwarded it on the husband for approval.

He went way beyond just giving his okay. He emailed the seller, negotiated the price and quietly spent a whole afternoon driving up to some mysterious location just so I could have the mirror waiting for me when I arrived home! (pause for mushy oohs and ahhs) All this without me knowing. See, I knew I married this man for a reason. Thank you honey!

I won't say I'll have the finished product to show you anytime soon. Its supposed to be nearly 90 degrees this weekend and we have plans of enjoying the good weather. This project will have to wait until the weather turns south again. This is NY so thats bound to happen soon enough.

*Clearly, I am too citi-fied for my own good because the idea of keeping a goat as a pet seems completely amazing to me.


  1. Wow! What a sweet man! Enjoy your weekend and the knowledge of a project soon enough completed! :)

  2. I was one of the ones that was oohing & aahing over that sweet husband of yours:)

  3. omg, I really thought it was the goat ...lol.

    Great mirror!!

    Happy weekend!

  4. Oh you are a VERY lucky woman, m'dear!! LOVE that mirror! I have one almost just like it, except mine is mostly black painted wood with the heavy gold accents. Congratulations on the huge mirror score, but more importantly on the awesome MAN score! (Your hubby!). :)


  5. That is a great mirror. Are you a little bit scared to paint over it?

  6. Oh, Mrs. L! Your DH is the best! How sweet is that! Ahhhh! I can't wait for you to work your magic on this little beauty, it's going to look awesome!

  7. What a great hubby you have! Have a great weekend, it's raining here in Conroe, TX!

  8. That is going to look FABULOUS! Can't wait to see it in your room. Enjoy the weekend - we are having fabulous weather here too in SC!

  9. I am too citified too - even though I live half the time in the country - and found the idea of a pet goat totally funny. Love the mirror and big big applause for your husband, xv.

  10. That is such a great mirror. I love find great stuff like that. Better yet when the hubby contributes.

  11. I am so happy for you , that is perfection , and you are so lucky to have a thoughtful husband who would go out of his way to bring you joy , you lucky girl.

  12. Well done to Mr Limestone!! Mirror looks perfect for what you want to do with it. Can't wait to see it up.

    I spoke to my Parents a few days ago, they had 4 days in New York as part of a huge trip and absolutely loved your City! Hope you got to enjoy some of the warmer weather :-)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It looks so similar to the ornate frame in your inspiration pic. Work your magic on that baby! Tell Mr. L he's got us all weak in the knees...how sweet is he?!

    (When my pygmy goat gives birth, I'll send yo one. Just sayin'. =]

  15. Mr Limestone sounds the perfect partner. As for the goat - if I could only control what it ate (lawn not plants) I'd adopt one right away.

  16. well deserved oohs and aahs!

  17. Anonymous10:19 AM

    that is PERFECT!

  18. I love the mirror and can't wait to see what you'll do with it. I also like the goat. Goats will eat anything, so good thing he didn't get hold of that ornate mirror edging. : )

  19. Awww He's such a SWEETHEART! i LOVE HIM! My guy does things like that...and I'll tell ya...there aren't a lot of guys out there that do this. Lucky girl! ; )))
    It's GORGEOUS.

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  20. Beautiful, the mirror and most of all the gesture from your husband.

  21. Would you put DoorSixteen and EddieRoss back on your blogroll? You're like my one stop shop for finding out if anyone has written a new blog.

  22. Can't wait to see how it comes out!

  23. What a fantastic guy, and beautiful mirror! As for the goat, I used to have two. They were technically for milk and lawn "mowing", but my brother and I preferred them for games of tag. Ah... the good ol' days.

  24. Anonymous8:01 PM


  25. That will be perfect for your idea! You are a lucky lady, indeed, to have such a thoughtful husband. My husband has "no use" for ebay or craig's list. ~Sigh~ He is so backwards...!!

  26. Please tell Mr.Limestone, he is the beeest!
    Does he have a goatee?

  27. Anonymous2:30 AM

    That's perfect! I love it.

  28. Oh my goodness! BIG points for Mr. Limestone. BIG points. :)

  29. I love what that frame started out as, and has become! Awesome job!


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