I'm back!

I'm back!! If you were wondering where I've been hiding, the photo below should spell it out. I have a million chores to do today that will keep me from doing a proper blog post but I'll do a trip recap for anyone interested just as soon as I can. Alaska is truly an amazing place.

Once again, thank you to my guest bloggers who took great care of this place while I was gone.

In the meantime, check out the frame is painted!

FrameCorner copy

Its currently propped up up on my bedroom mantle. I have to sort out the tv mount but I can't wait to hang it!

It would to ready to hang now if an overly optimistic husband didn't think we were going to buy a ginormous television for the bedroom and proceeded to mount a huge thing on the wall to attach it well before a television was purchased. But I digress...

And before anyone says it - yes, I have a television in my bedroom. (Gasps from proper people everywhere!) I love watching television right before bed. I don't care what the experts say...its a must for any relaxing room I'm in. Is anyone else in the axis of evil bedroom television watchers out there?


  1. Yes, we have a TV in our bedroom too. I watched it last night, as a matter of fact. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it either! (By the way, the frame turned out gorgeous!)

  2. We have a TV in our bedroom too. And welcome back!

  3. Anonymous1:44 PM

    We have a TV in our bedroom. It started when we wanted to build a TV cabinent downstairs in our living room and thus, didn't have anywhere to put a TV until that was completed. So we moved the TV upstairs to the bedroom. I love it, and couldn't live without it at this point.

  4. that frame is beautiful!

    i have a TV in my bedroom too, who cares! I can't go to sleep without Seinfeld on :)

  5. The frame looks fabulous! And I love having a TV in our bedroom - a nice cuddle and a movie = win :)

  6. LOVE that frame. And, about the tv...we held out for son long...but finally put one in our room too.

  7. We have a tv in our bedroom and I hate it. My husband, on the other hand, can't go to sleep without it. After 9 years, I've gotten used to it.

  8. The frame is hot to trot! And as far as a Tv...you betcha! Put me in the axis of evil club.

  9. We used to have a TV in our bedroom, but neither my husband nor I had any self control and we would stay up into the wee hours watching TV. We finally had to banish the TV to our family room.

  10. welcome back! we're planning to go to Alaska next summer, so I'll hope you'll share your hot spots!

    frame looks great. I love things painted color of the wall behind them.

    totally have TV in the bedroom. my husband thinks we need to upgrade it, too.

  11. Thankfully no TV in our bedroom. Once I start watching something, I'm glued until it is done. I'd never sleep.

  12. I'm jealous of two things...your trip and that gorgeous frame!!!!!!!!!

  13. Glad to have you back. Please share your Alaska trip pics and any tips and suggestions! :)

  14. A TV is a must in our bedroom, can't get to sleep without it! Glad you're back

  15. I love tv and I love a tv in the bedroom. Ours is HD and that makes it even better:) I can't wait to hear about your trip. My husband wants to go to Alaska. Rest up and give us a report.

  16. Wow, what an awesome trip!

    Yes, we have a TV in our bedroom- dont know how I would live without it, seriously I dont know how people DONT have one in the bedroom. I think its great :)

  17. Can't wait to hear more about your Alaska trip. We don't have a TV in our bedroom (no room for it, even if we wanted). I'm notorious for falling asleep in front of the TV so adding a cozy bed to the equation would just be too much. I'd never make it more than 20 minutes into anything!


  18. I grew up with the tv so yeah its in the house..all over. i cant sleep without it being on. It watches me sleep!

  19. ohhhh welcome back! hope you had a great time!

  20. Alaska...I grew up in Alaska, and enjoy VISITING! Hope you enjoyed your trip...Janell

  21. Oh, and speaking of Alaska and tv's in one blog, there was no tv when I lived in Nome. What a sad, deprived childhood...:) Janell

  22. A bedroom without TV?? There's such a thing? That's just plain crazy. However I won't let my kids have one in their room- Aren't I a mean Mommy? :o)


  23. Anonymous12:45 AM

    **Raises her hand** We have one in our bedroom. It makes me feel safe when my man has to work really late.

  24. I enjoy having a tv in my bedroom. The frame is so beautiful and elegant!!

  25. Frame looks great! Alaska! Wow, you certainly get around ;-)

    We have always had a telly in our bedroom. My husband puts it on almost every night, lucky it had a timer. Kids make use of it on the weekends. My eldest two (now 17 and 11) have their own in their room too. I don't have a problem with it and when you are sick it means you can stay in bed!

  26. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Welcome back! We too have a tv in our bedroom and wouldn't/couldn't live any other way! The frame is gorgeous by the way....

  27. I'm loving the frame and we love our tv in the bedroom too....sometimes having an extra tv in the house is a good thing:)

  28. The frame looks gorgeous! Can I ask what you painted it with and what the color is called? Hope you enjoyed you trip. My nephew Colin is in Alaska working until September. His second time going back and he just loves it. You have great style chick!

  29. Can't wait to hear about Alaska and love the frame, xv.

  30. Glad you're back and the frame is perfect!

  31. Alaska...how cool! (literally, I guess...)

    I love the idea of framing your TV! Frame looks great. I've sworn off the TV in the bedroom. 'Cause some weekends in my younger days, I literally didn't get out of bed.

  32. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I personally heart TV's in the bedroom but my husband made me get rid of ours. I miss it dearly.

    Do you have any images (or a description) for the materials in your fire place. I'm totally lusting over it. It looks like a pearl tile but I can never really tell.

    The frame is perfect. I feel like I need to copy. :)

  33. GOREGOUS!!!

    Jen Ramos
    'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'

  34. OOps sorry i meant GORGEOUS!! Darn Typo!

  35. Anonymous12:19 AM

    apparently, almost everyone in singapore has at least one tv in their bedroom and one tv in the living room. some went for two tv in the bedroom because the husband and wife must watch different shows!

  36. I have a TV in the bedroom too - one of the best evenings is eating dinner in bed and watching bad (good) TV curled up with my favorite guy.


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