Restored love for Restoration Hardware

On a stroll at my lunch hour, I walked into Restoration Hardware and was shocked to see a totally different store. I've always liked RH's stuff classic style in upholstered furniture and hardware but found their furniture to be a little bit bleh. Lots of medium colored woods and craftsman style details which never appealed to me. That is all gone now and a totally different look has replaced it.

Check it out...

Be still my heart, I love these chairs. The table and light fixture are also gorge.

My already established love of corbels is bursting at the seams looking at this.

Are you reading my blog Restoration Hardware? No one should be surprised at my admiration for the subway signs. An original already lives in my dining room.

This photo isn't doing it justice but the zinc pedestal table is so nice. And of course the bust in the photo is really sending me over the edge.

Speaking of zinc, I'm loving the play of the industrial nightstand against the elegant lines of the rest of the room.

Ok, enough Restoration Hardware. You are killing me now. A dress form? Do you know how long Ive been looking for one of those? And that amazing pendant lamp? Gasp.

A drafting stool? Are you inside my head or something? Ive been looking for a reasonably priced one of these for at least 2 years. Check out this fab one that Chris at Just Beachy has.

Ok, enough with the swooning. I love the look and Ive got to give the designers a hand for being so bold to change up their entire line overnight. If you are like me, you prefer an original to a mass produced reproduction. At the same time, scouring flea markets for that perfect item doesn't always work out. And sometimes a new one is just as lovely.

Now onto the bad stuff. The prices are insane. $700 for that dress form??? Have you lost your minds people? Its a little linen, some stuffing and iron - how much could that really cost to produce? I don't mind you making a tidy profit but can't you think of all the wonderful bloggers who want one of these and that price is just not reasonable?

On top of that, the scale of some of these things is beyond ginormous. My house is not big enough to work with items so large. How about you make smaller items and charge less? Do we have a deal?

But aside from those two tiny complaints, bravo guys.


  1. I am so with you on this. love the look though. may be one of my all time faves.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Really like this look too. Shame they aren't in the UK but check out OKA if you haven't already. Its a similar feel.
    ZOE B

  3. I love that headboard...the price however, not-so-much.

  4. Some beautiful stuff!

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    ACK I know I love everything at RH right now!!! EXCEPT the prices. I guess it gives good ideas to find cheaper versions though?! Just heavenly...(sigh)

  6. I agree...LOVE their new style, but the prices?! What the heck? Maybe they are trying to make as much as they can before they go out!? Great stuff though!

  7. When I got their last catalog I thought, this looks a little Wisteria.

  8. I know! It's amazing the change.

    I somehow missed your post on the opinion is just to bring in some larger scaled items to balance the smaller pieces and edit like crazy.

    Can't wait to see what you do.

  9. RH has always seemed pricey to me...great place for ideas though!

  10. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Gah! $700?! I hope all ten people who can afford that RUN RIGHT OUT AND GUY ONE. I asked the dressmaker down the hall from my office about dress forms on the cheap, and she recommended Atlanta Thread and Supply. Since their forms are new, the fabric would be white, but you could dye it with tea for a vintage look:

  11. My fave? Definitely the desk with the corbels. Love.It.

  12. RH is pretty pricey. But they are so fabulous!
    I'd take the entire room in photos 1,2,5, and 6!
    The light fixture in the first pic is just awesome.

    { Lindsey }

  13., love, love everything. Great - now I have even more design envy (as if I didn't have enough just reading blogs...:) That table is to die for!

  14. Too right! I did a blog post on my addiction to their latest catalog, too. And like you, I've had a couple of old subway signs in my office for a couple of years -- nice to know we're trendsetters, huh? ;)

    I am just thrilled with their "new look" and hope it breathes all kinds of new life into the company. Hmm... maybe that is the angle i should take when making my plea to the hubs about buying one of everything.... "We just HAVE to do our part to keep RH afloat!" ;)

    Great post!!


  15. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Stunning images. Love the transitional feel of the modern mixed with the old. Lovely post!

  16. Beautiful pieces, ugly prices! I adore that giant globe pendant and am with you that the cost and size both need reducing!

  17. Yeah there stuff is gorgeous! I read on Apartment Therapy that they changed the whole look of the store. It looks so rich and glam!

  18. I have an outlet less than an hour away... and even those prices are a little steep! Really, their stuff is sooo beautifl so if I had wads of cash laying around, I'd be shopping RH all the time.

  19. I read about their new direction...and isn't it fab?! The good news is you can totally get the look for a lot less...I mean, $700 dress form?! Pshaw. And I am in love with the round light fixture -- even went to visit it in person -- but it is on sale (SALE!) for $1800.

  20. Yowza! That is a new look. I must head to the mall for an in person looksee.

  21. I adore Restoration Hardware, and I agree about the prices.

    A note on the dress form...That is about the going rate for a professional dressmaker's form, like a Wolf, but I don't know if the RH is the same quality. If you want that style of form, my advice is eBay. Wolf forms come up all the time, and seem to go for $200-$300 or so, less for other brands and display forms. Shipping can be tough, but a lot of them are sold out of NYC, so you could avoid that.

  22. ITA! ITA! They really have some beautiful pieces now!

  23. I read something recently about how RH is trying to buck the recession by going *more* upscale rather than lowering their prices. Not sure it'll work but interesting to see!

  24. I am shocked and amazed. I always found their furniture boring but I always loved their accessories and lamps. This is great and I was so excited over the dress form but $700? Are they high? (as in marijuana)

  25. I got my RH catalog last week and I completely agree with you. The new stuff is fabulous but pricey. I also loved the steamer trunks used as coffee and end tables.

    I would love a smaller scale, less expensive version too!

  26. I couldn't agree more. I got the most recent catalog and looked at it at least 5 times! Their new items are fab. Their prices are not.

  27. Amen sista! Love the look...hate the ginormous prices.


  28. The only RH I visited was an outlet store. I was stunned at the prices and could only imagine what the regular stores prices were.
    Gorgeous merchandise. Outrageous prices.

  29. did you write this post specifically with me in mind? I too am RH obsessed. BUT WTF is up with the prices?!?!? I am loving some of their trunks and they START at $995?!?!?!? Ridiculous.


    I was literally drafting my own post about this very topic. Don't they know I can't buy their stuff when a lamp is more than my paycheck?

  30. Gorgeous, gorgeous goodies, xv.

  31. I'm absolutely NUTS about the new collections too!! But, like you, I agree that the scale, something which R.H. has always had a problem with, is beyond big. A few of the newer pieces, the professors chair for instance, is scaled well, but some of the sofa's are the size of my apartment! All-in-all I'm totally in love with the new look of R.H.!!!

  32. Okay, so this afternoon there was a flurry of emails going between the EADL girls. They were raving about your blog - and gee whiz - I feel like a bit of a dunce for never happening upon it!

    Lovely work, lovely indeed!

    So funny, as a few weeks ago Ill Seen, Ill Said did a post about Restoration Hardware that caused me to take a second look. Crazy enough, I posted about them today on my blog, before I "found" your post ~ go figure!!

    I guess we're all on the same page, and in agreement - as the new styles are very fresh. *In a turn of the century "industrial" sort of way!*

    Anyway, I look forward to exploring your entire sketch-blog. I certainly know that I am going to find the time sometime soon to click through every one of those flickr images. I must admit I took a quick peek .. oh-my...delight!

    So glad the EADL gals were raving about you.
    Happy blogging,
    ABC Dragoo
    (@abcddesigns on Twitter)

  33. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I looked through the catalog last night and was drooling over the chairs, beds and lighting.

  34. I've been hearing raves left and right for Restoration Hardware's new look. But you're right - a bit out of the budget range.

  35. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I think RH has gone completely aliéné. Not with their prices. Well, yes, with their prices, but also with the size and direction of their new line. The designer is a Francophile and has thrust his love upon the entire populace. What if you're not in love with that look? Well, you'll have to go elsewhere. I would wager that this niche is rather small and since that is all they now peddle, they're either going to have to introduce new pieces or go the way of Versailles. A nice place to visit, but nothing to call home.


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