Thanks to everyone that entered. THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! Congrats to Rhonda of home.made. and Jennifer of The Chronicles of Home who were the big winners!
I'm always excited about the holiday season but this year will bring a whole new way to celebrate as new parents. So I'm overjoyed to ringing in the holiday season with a fabulous giveaway of one of my very favorite holiday things: Matching Pajamas for Christmas Eve!
Today is National Family Pajama Night and to celebrate The Company Store has donated thousands of pajamas to Ronald McDonald house as well as donating $1 for each sale.
As if that wasn't enough, The Company Store is sharing the warmth by giving two winners matching pajamas for their immediate family (and yes, they even have dog pajamas so fur babies won't feel left out!). With a selection of great prints, its really hard to choose!
To enter, simply leave a comment with your favorite thing about the holidays along with a way to reach you if win. If you tweet, share it on your own blog or pin this post, please leave a link in the comments for an extra entry. Simple as that.
I love family time during the holidays.
ReplyDeleteThe food and the music! It really puts you I a good mood!
ReplyDeleteThe music! I can't wait to get Fairytale of New York playing again!
ReplyDeleteThat is one if my favorite songs!
DeleteWhat is that song? I've never heard it.
DeleteAAhhhh! the music! Without it Christmas would not be the same.
ReplyDeleteFamily. Always family. This year we will be expecting our newest little member to arrive right around Christmas :)
ReplyDeleteAdorable pjs! My fave thing about the holidays is how warm and lush my house feels with the twinkly lights and greenery.
ReplyDeleteGetting to see my family! And also presents. And now, it's going to be watching my little man get to love Christmas too.
ReplyDeleteWatching my kids open presents. :)
ReplyDeletetoreycervantes at gmail dot com
Hi! I love doing our Christmas Service Project every year as a family! It's our highlight! Email me if i win! minharopaola [at] hotmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI love all of it. The cookie making, the Christmas carols, watching the tree glitter at night, being with family. Oh man I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait until my college kids are home and we can all be together!! amyatbunkerbunchdotcom
ReplyDeleteI love the smells of Christmas - the Christmas tree, cookies baking, turkey in the's the best!
ReplyDeleteI love going to the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church with my family--and then waking up to eat "birthday cake" the next morning!
ReplyDeleteI love the Christmas season with all the symbols of Christmas the tree, wreaths, and lights. I love baking lots of goodies during this season too. Our family LOVES new p.js during this season!
ReplyDeleteI love this! 21 years ago we began a family tradition of giving our children a special set of pajamas on Christmas Eve! With five children ranging from age 6 to 21 it never gets old. Mommy and Daddy exchange too!
ReplyDeleteFamily and music!
ReplyDeleteI love all the family time - and the Christmas candy!! sfitzg at gwu dot edu
ReplyDeleteI love my Christmas tree, pulling out all the ornaments reminds me of different periods of my life. Plus, I love working in my office and looking up to see the twinkling lights in the next room.
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my family, especially the ones I don't get to see very often.
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my family, especially the ones I don't get to see very often.
ReplyDeleteI love giving gifts at Christmas. coasterk at ptd dot net
ReplyDeleteI'm a total Christmas junkie but it's been a hard time of year as an older, single gal. The last couple of years since I met my husband have been great and now we'll be having our first real Christmas with our little girl! I can't wait to pass on everything that I love about it to her. And I think my favorite part is the little extra sparkle and kindness that seems to fill most people for a few weeks each year. Love that feeling!
ReplyDeleteOh and I can be reached at
DeleteMaking Christmas cookies with my family!
Being with family. I start counting down the days until we see each other again. We will be travelling this time and I will be crying with tears of joy all the way.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is definitely being cozy and close with my family. And maybe Christmas movies too?
ReplyDeleteOOOh, this is one of the most fun giveaways I've ever seen! I love all the time we're able to spend with family and friends during the holidays.
ReplyDeleteI love the twinkle lights.
I love making cookies and pies with loved ones. I remember getting to make my own mini pie as a kid with my grandma and hope to be able to pass the tradition down someday.
ReplyDeleteI love the festive mood that everyone is in, anywhere you go.
My favorite thing about the holidays is how the magic of life comes to the forefront as we all want to believe in the goodness of each other and spread the love for community more freely than any other time of year. And celebrating with our traditions and creating new ones each year. On the tablet this year: George Washington's Eggnog!
ReplyDeletemy favorite thing about the holidays is seeing my boys light up when they see santa!
My favourite thing about the holidays is teaching my boys the value of giving... even to perfect strangers.
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my family during the holidays!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is the food and sharing those meals with our family. We have a new baby this year too that makes it all even more special!
ReplyDeleteI love having all my family together and sharing good food and good times during the holidays. These times are more special now that my children are grown and have less time available.
The pervasive holiday spirit!
ReplyDeleteCookie favorite 2 days of the season
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is sitting in front of the fireplace with family playing Scrabble! A holiday tradition.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about the holidays is sharing it with my daughter. We love matching Christmas pyjamas!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is midnight mass on Xmas eve and French toast Xmas morning!
ReplyDeleteGetting together with the family and enjoying each others company! Raina_rogers@yahoo com
ReplyDeletegoing to a farm and selecting a live Christmas tree a day after Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteI love decorating the Christmas tree!
ReplyDeleteFav thing about the holidays: Watching my fur baby try to eat the ornaments off of the tree. Endless entertainment! :) runcharlyrun1 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is being woth my family at my grandparents' house on Christmas Eve! The kids are all so excited and it just a ton of fun. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays this year is making new traditions since this is our first year with a little one! I'm excited to make Christmas special for her childhood, like it was for mine :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is Christmas morning with our kids, seeing what Santa brought.
ReplyDeleteI love the sweet treats and decorating the house! ourfriendalabee at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteI love being with family! Thanks for sharing such a generous giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI just pinned the giveaway. Thx
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the wonder and joy in my 3 sons eyes during the holiday season.
ReplyDeleteI love the food-- the nonstop excuse to eat and drink with friends and family!
ReplyDeleteEvery year we break out the Mario Lanza Christmas cd. My grandmother used to play it on the record player and now we have the cd. The opening chords of the first song are a signal that the Christmas season has begun!
ReplyDeleteFav thing is turning on the Christmas tree and snuggling underneath with holiday bedtime stories... And seeing my daughters face light up when she sees Santa has come to visit.
I love all of it- Hallmark Christmas movie overload (to my kids' dismay), crafting and baking and decorating with my kids, driving around with hubby and kids to check out all the lights, the kids making presents for each other! Michael Buble, Bing Crosby.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about Christmas eve these days is that my college kids come home and spend the night! We have a family night full of fun and presents to each other, hot chocolate, games. It's what I treasure now that they are big kids and off on their own. Fun to have them back home for one night :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is traveling home to see family.
I love decorating for the holidays! (decorandthedog (at)
ReplyDeleteI like it to be completely silent from about 11:45pm until midnight sitting in front of the fireplace and listening for any "interesting" sounds.
ReplyDeleteForgot to add my email:
I love all of the holiday parties!
ReplyDeleteI love having my kids and grandkids over to decorate cookies.
I love the family time and decorating.
such a fun giveaway! i love EVERYTHING about Christmas, especially my children's excitement.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love it time, cooking, baking, decorating, music, the smells BUT i love, love, love all my fun Christmas movies!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is french toast casserole on Christmas morning after my girls open their gifts! Thanks for the giveaway!
How do I pick just one? I guess my favorite is starting it off by turning on the Christmas music, sipping hot chocolate and decorating the tree/house with family!
ReplyDeleteI'm dying over the dog pajamas! I love the food, decorating and a good fire!
I love watching holiday movies snuggled up with my family
ReplyDeleteFamily :) I love cuddling with all my babies :)
I love the music!
ReplyDeleteI love the music, having the whole family together and all the good food!
ReplyDeleteChristmas lights!
Spending time around a cozy fire in a room filled with twinkling lights
ReplyDeleteI love all the traditions my hubby's family has. Growing up we never had any, so this makes things all the more special by having specific things to look forward to. And the lights, I love me some Christmas lights!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays - spending all of Christmas Day with my hubs in our 'jammies. No joke! We spend the Eve with family and friends but the Day is all ours to snuggle by the tree, drink hot cocoa, listen to/play music, and open presents, of course. We even put the Yule Log on the TV. It's like being in our own little snow globe and I look forward to it every year!
ReplyDeleteMaking cookies with my family is always great :)
ReplyDeleteThe tree trimming party with my family.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning...such an excellent giveaway, thanks! of my most favourite things would be looking at our Christmas ornaments and reflecting upon who gave these to us and tears then start to flow......Valerie
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is just that fuzzy feeling :) I know that sounds cheesy, but I love the compassion, kindness and love that surrounds the holidays - no matter what you celebrate.
ReplyDeletemisscarolb at gmail dot com
Holiday baking :)
ReplyDeletechristmas lights and trees in windows
ReplyDeleteAll the little things - the music, the twinkle lights, the wine (!!), but mostly, how positive everyone is during the holiday season. It is truly a season of giving!
ReplyDeleteSitting around the fire, drinking cocoa, eating cookies, playing board games nd watching Christmas movies with the family. squiera at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteHanging out with family, wearing your PJ's all day while opening presents and then assembling them (the presents not the PJ's) haha.
ReplyDeleteTurkey, cranberry and cheese toastie sandwiches. Oh yes.
ReplyDeleteRach xxx
The Awesome Lady
Eating, drinking and playing games!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorites is matching jammies on Christmas Eve - they are magic you know! ;) We adopted this tradition when our first was born. I am shopping for this year so this giveaway is right on time!
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorites is matching jammies on Christmas Eve - they are magic you know! ;) We adopted this tradition when our first was born. I am shopping for this year so this giveaway is right on time!
ReplyDeleteWe always get new Christmas jammies! How fun to have a giveaway!
I love family, decorations, and music.....but MOSTLY family!
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my family is the best thing about the Holidays! :)
I am obsessed with "Frank Sinatra Holiday" on Pandora :)
ReplyDeletebrittany.haydock at gmail
The feel, everything about the season makes me happy
ReplyDeleteI am excited about our first child coming! Due date is Dec. 17th so he could be here for Christmas or ON Christmas! It will make this holiday season very special for us.
ReplyDeleteHaving my family in the house, the smell of the xmas tree and food of course!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is spending time relaxing with my family.
ReplyDeletemami2jcn at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteFireplaces and hot coco and peppermint schnapps!
ReplyDeleteI love how cozy everything feels! Everything is decorated, carols are playing, and everyone is enjoying homebaked treats!
ReplyDeleteThe holidays are a great excuse for focusing on family togetherness, for once. I enjoy them WAY more since having kiddos!
ReplyDeleteTweeted! Did I mention today is my hubs' birthday and tomorrow is mine? PJ Night bed-in with both kids, two dogs and six cats. Woo!
ReplyDeleteI love the traditions we have every year. It always makes me look forward to the holidays!!!
ReplyDeleteI love making homemade goodies with my family and then taking the treats to neighbors and friends!
ReplyDeleteI love making stuff with the kids and decorating!
ReplyDeleteI love baking cookies with my daughter. We had another daughter this year so now I get to do it with both of them.
ReplyDeleteCutting down and then decorating the Christmas tree!
ReplyDeleteLove being snuggled up on the couch in front of the fireplace and glowing Christmas tree on a cold, blowy night. Probably watching Polar Express together!
ReplyDeleteCindy @
I love spending the extra time with family!
ReplyDeleterachelmarietravis at gmail dot com
Snuggled on the couch with a warm blanket, hot cocoa, Christmas movies and snow outside.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing to do during the holidays is absolutely nothing!
ReplyDeleteI love decorating the Christmas tree with my family!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about the holidays is that they everyday stuff gets pushed aside for those fun holiday family traditions (tree decorating, Christmas plays, festival of lights, etc.)
ReplyDeleteI love that my kids come home. (To NC. From Brooklyn, of all places.) I am old, and it makes me happy to see them while I still can.
ReplyDeleteI love having big family dinners and decorating the tree as a family!
ReplyDeleteI love having a fresh tree in the house and cooking big dinners for family and friends!
ReplyDeleteI love having a real tree covered in lights, and lots of Christmas cookies to eat!
ReplyDeleteFamily Pajamas is my favorite thing about the holidays!! We started the tradition many years ago. We always include my mom, grandmother and Molly--our Jack Russell. The past few years we've taken a Christmas morning picture (in our pj's) and shared it on social media.
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my family playing with new toys!
ReplyDeleteDuh, FOOD! I love sitting around with friends and family eating special treats. New pajamas are always fun too!
ReplyDeleteone of my favorite things is that we give our kids matching pjs on christmas eve- so how perfect would this be for us?!?! thank you for the chance!
ReplyDeletethanks for offering this! I love the holiday meals and just the feeling in general.
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with family!
ReplyDeleteFireplaces with crackling fires, sweaters & mugs of hot chocolate...and of course family. This year we have been blessed with not just 1 but 2 new little grandbabies (our first!) so Christmas will be extra special. Email:
ReplyDeleteBaking with my daughter and the fun of menu planning.
ReplyDeleteI love it all! The music, the lights, the treats. This year we had our first baby too, so I'm excited to experience the holidays in a whole new way!
ReplyDeletemy favorite thing about the holiday season.. wait, i have to pick just one? in general- i just love all the traditions. the tree, the hot chocolate, the christmas eve celebrations, the christmas day celebrations- and now, seeing it through my little girl's eyes. :) i love it all!
ReplyDeletesgreck428 at yahoo
Hot chocolate, the glow of the tree, mistletoe scented candles, my toddler's infectious excitement, christmas crafts... I mean what's not to love?! :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite things about the holidays are the food & wrapping gifts.
ReplyDeletecourtney.alllisunfair (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite thing about the holidays, is how my house becomes a whole lot homier!
ReplyDeleteMya at:
So cozy!! My favorite thing is family and Christmas, candles, pine cones! I love it all!
ReplyDeleteChristmas cookies!
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas Eve service...and matching PJs :)
ReplyDeleteOur families favorite tradition is eating Carmel sticky rolls each Christmas morning. These Pajamas would go along great with this tradition.
My favorite Christmas thing is the music. Then the baking/decorating cookies. Oh, and the candy making. And the sharing of baked goods with the local Firemen and neighbors. Oh, and the eggnog (homemade). And family gatherings. And driving through my beautiful city looking at all the lights. And pine trees. And candles. And corny TV movies, as well as the classics.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE all the sparkle, twinkly lights, glistening packages, and the flicker of an ivory candle. Bring on the sparkle!
ReplyDeleteI love the non-stop board game playing! So much Scrabble and Sequence!
ReplyDeleteHuddyma at
My family, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, and the FOOD!!
food, family, and friends!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is the traditions and the food :)
the holiday season brings about an undeniable feeling of joy in everyone. people seem to smile brighter, and the days seem happier. it's that giddy feeling of being a child again and seeing the world so shiny and perfect through the eyes of a child. there's just no denying the love that is shared by all during the holidays. that's what I love.
I love spending time with family!
ReplyDeleteI love baking Christmas cookies for my family! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeletebethresul (at) aol (dot) com
My favorite thing about Christmas is having all of my family together - that's tough to make happen in this day and age! My favorite thing about Christmas pajamas are the memories that come with them - my mother passed away years ago now, but every year at Christmas our first gift was always new, matching pjs. As a matter of fact, she died shortly before Christmas, but had already shopped for our pjs for that year - it was the last gift she gave us. Ever since, I have continued the tradition every year! I can be reached or at
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about Christmas is when its over! Just kidding :) I love seeing the delight on my kids faces on Christmas morning.
I love holiday music -- the cheesier, the better!!!
ReplyDeleteshanahattis at gmail dot com
We always got new pajamas to open on Christmas Eve. It is hard to say what I love best about Christmas. I love being together as a family, making ginger bread houses, shopping together, and teaching my children that is is more blessed to give than to receive. We've created many fun memories giving secret service and gifts at Christmas. I guess that is my favorite thing.
ReplyDeleteEven though I am Jewish, my guilty pleasure is Christmas music. I can't get enough!
ReplyDeleteIt has to be buying the Christmas tree! This one, no that one, no maybe that one, wrong shape, too tall, too fat............then ahh just perfect!
ReplyDeleteLisa, L
you can find me at matsheumhlope "at"
I have to pick just ONE thing I love about the holidays?!?! Because I love EVERYTHING! ... But my favorite is probably all the time spent with family celebrating our own little traditions, from the "kids" (ahem, MY now-30-something-with-children-of-our-own generation) Christmas Eve to stockings on Christmas morning to the flurry of anticipatory phone calls preceding it all!
ReplyDeleteCall me crazy but I love the music, the bling and the time spent with family!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing: the tree, the cookies, the music, the fires in the fireplace, the lights, school vacation, the list is unending.
ReplyDeleteI love the holiday cheer. The Starbucks coffee cups. Warm fires. I also love cozy pj's. You can find me at
ReplyDeleteWow! So many comments! Can't wait to read them all. think I love the music the most because I can enjoy it alone or with my family. It's special and we get weeks of it! I also enjoy playing games after the big meals -- Thanksgiving and Christmas and a bonus turkey dinner in between the two "big days" that we share with my husband's older children who are now married and spend the actual day with their mom and/or in-laws.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing my kids faces Christmas morning, making a big breakfast for my family, and feeling the joy of the holidays. This year will be extra special as we are expecting twins in December to add to our family of four.
ReplyDeleteCute pjs!
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with my sweet little family. Matching pj's would be very exciting for my two year old.
ReplyDeleteLove!! My favorite thing about the holidays is our annual traipsing through the woods to cut our tree with my 3 children and this year my new grandson.
ReplyDeleteSo many good things, fires in the fireplace, family time, cocoa, snow and snow in the woods! I could go on and on!
ReplyDeletesince I live so far away, just being home and with family is the best part
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSpending time with my family and watching Christmas movies.
DeleteI love the traditions associated with Christmas....the ones of my own, and new ones that we have started without own family.
ReplyDeleteI love the traditions, the food, and my family--- especially when, every year, I buy them matching pajamas and let them open it on Christmas Eve.
ReplyDeleteI love just being with family. To this day, when my sisters and I are all in town, we still go open all our presents at our parents, one at a time, taking turns.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, this takes me way back! My brothers and I always had matching pajamas on Christmas when we were kids. My favorite parts of Christmas are the music and the massive amounts of baking!
ReplyDeleteI love spending time with family. And the food, if I'm being honest. :) ailie {underscore} dukes @ hotmail {dot} com
ReplyDeleteI love the Christmas tree - it so magically lights up a room with that warm glow, I could sit by it for hours just soaking up the moment.
ReplyDeleteFamily time
ReplyDeleteI love the sounds of the season..the music, bells ringing, family laughter at gatherings!
ReplyDeleteChristmas traditions! one of ours includes getting new festive jammies on Christmas eve, to wear in the morning g of course! my mom still gets them for us, even though we're just about all grown up and out of the house :-)
ReplyDeleteThe Christmas music... with cookies and baking being a close second.
ReplyDeleteHot chocolate with Bailey's by the fireplace.
ReplyDeleteThe anticipation! It's almost as much fun as the holiday itself.
ReplyDeleteFriends, family, cookies! So many good things
ReplyDeleteCooking, baking and just sitting looking at the lights on the tree.
ReplyDeleteEvery single little bitty thing! The music, the feelings in the pit of my stomach, the yummy, yummy food, shopping for others, and making memories with my family!
Family get togethers, the children's wonderful joy...
ReplyDeleteWe always watch "A Christmas Story" on Christmas eve...our favorite tradition!
ReplyDeleteHanging out all day with family with no agenda. Taking pics in matching pajamas is always a hit!
ReplyDeleteI love the christmas tree and decor and all the time spent with family and eating...
ReplyDeletejessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I tweeted too!
ReplyDeletejessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
My favorite part of Christmas is seeing the joy in everyone. Whether that's my students joy of the holidays, or listening to music for the next two months, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!
ReplyDeleteLove this give away!! Matching family pjs are a tradition in our house - one we started with our first baby in 2000. Now our girls are old enough that they help pick them out. It's great as you can tell what year the Christmas morning pics are from by the pjs!
ReplyDeleteThis is baby's first Christmas so I'm excited to have an EXTRA reason to celebrate! Usually I love cookies & slow, relaxed time with family.
ReplyDeleteI love the relaxed Christmas Morning breakfast, in our pj's of course, of Swedish Tea Ring, bacon, eggs, fruit cups and coffee
ReplyDeleteWe make huge batches of homemade eggnog (some for the adults and some for the kids) and spend days sipping and snuggling and enjoying one another.
ReplyDeleteI love doing the Elf on the Shelf for my boys! They get so excited to wake up each morning to find "Elfie" & see what kind of mischief he created while they were asleep!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love getting out the Christmas decor, listening to music and wrapping gifts!,
I love our new simplified Christmas traditions; fewer gifts for us, giving to those in need, and lots of time with loved ones. :)
ReplyDeleteI like holidays season because my kids get excited about it.