Say Cheese: Vintage Camera Photos Hung

Yea for artwork. I finally got around to hanging the vintage camera series prints at the shore. I think they work pretty well here - not overtly beachy but still light and bright.
grey and white living room
You might also spot the stars I hung behind the tv. While I don't hate them, I don't love them either. I don't want to cover the entire wall with stars so I think they will probably go. Maybe I'll just hang some more photos?
grey and white living room
grey and white living room vintage camerasgrey and white living room
A few window treatments, some storage baskets (thanks for the suggestion!), a few more pillows and a spruce up of the sideboard/entertainment center will complete this room.

The irony is that we are serious considering adding a wall in here to cordon off another bedroom.That would make this rather large living room into a tiny one but having another bedroom would be kinda awesome (hello sleepovers!). At the same time, I really love having so much space to lounge and play.  Decisions, decisions.


  1. Love the camera photos! Agree re: the stars. And love the idea of another bedroom!

  2. Instead of closing off the living room, what about installing a Murphy bed or something similar to that in the living room? It's nicer to have a large gathering space for entertaining and relaxation than a bedroom that will sit empty majority of the time.

    Great lens series and agreed on the stars. There's something lacking...some thing is missing. Perhaps fewer and larger? The abundance makes the TV seem smaller but the wall seem larger. Or don't tuck them behind the TV at all? Create more of a floating frame with them.

    Regardless, the room is great and the whole place looks great in your reveals!

    1. A shortage of beds isn't really the problem - its a shortage of privacy. Our bedroom has room for more beds but that means we are all sharing the same space which means a lot less rest for her and us. And it makes having guests over completely impossible since I can't put them in the room with her. Not sure if that makes sense but having an extra room would function as her room when it's just the 3 of us and as a guest room for company. At the same time I have no idea how I can get a decent furniture arrangement if the room is half the size. So its a tough call.

    2. Ahha, that IS quite the dilemma! Creating another bedroom for privacy purposes makes so much sense. Privacy is another MUST on vacation, no? Good luck!

  3. I love the stars, but I think I'd spread them out more and maybe not follow the shape of the TV quite so sharply.

    I don't think I'd go with another bedroom... every sleepover I went to involved sleeping bags on the floor. (Maybe that was a redneck thing, though?) That was part of the fun! And I'm assuming you mean sleepovers for Aggie, when maybe you just mean overnight guests in general.

    I guess the bottom line is how often you think you'd have a guest as opposed to just the three of you. You might only have company 20 percent of the time, which mean 80 percent of the time, you're cramped up in a teeny main living area. But if you have company more often, it would be worth it, perhaps.

    The other thing to remember is how much time is actually spent in a bedroom as opposed to the living room.

    Either way, i know you'll make it look amazing!

    1. Oh I was referring to sleepovers of our friends - not hers. Before we had her, we would have guests sleep in the living room and that was okay but certainly not ideal. Now that she gets up at the crack of dawn, it's just not an option anymore.

      While I'm totally going to miss the bigger living room, we will eventually need another room anyway (at some point she will want privacy herself) so we are sort of thinking if we are going to do it, why not just do it now and reap the benefits of it for more years.

    2. Ah, gotcha. That absolutely makes sense! I can see where a beach house would get lots of visitors! :o)

  4. I love the stars! Please don't take them down.
    I don't think you should do the whole wall with stars though. You did it perfectly.

    1. Thanks Mary. The whole wall would be too much for me - too much visual competition with other things. But I'm sure I'll find another use for them.

  5. Agreed about the stars. But the rest of the room looks fabulous as always! -Katie O.

  6. I loved the framed photos you had on the TV wall before. The stars look busy and distracting--definitely seems like an idea that would sound so interesting in the mind, but failed in practice.

    1. Yes exactly. It looked much better in my mind than in reality. Oh well, I got to experiment :)

  7. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I'm all for you having another bedroom, though that might not be for entirely unselfish reasons. ;) Love the photos though! Can't wait to hang your jellyfish prints in my new bedroom!

  8. Awesome idea! It's both original yet stylish! Will definitely try it at my home!

  9. Murphy bed - that's all I'm saying!

    1. We aren't short on beds - we have plenty of those. It's the privacy we are missing. She sleeps less because our tossing and turning wake her up and we sleep less because we are afraid of waking her up with every move. If she were going to be little forever then we could deal with it but she will eventually need her own space - so why not take advantage of it now, right?

      I say all that as if my mind is made up but I'm still not ready to give up my living room just yet. I need to get my mind around how I'll set up a smaller living room before any work starts.

  10. Love the camera prints, super cool! I'm sure you'll find something cool do to with the stars, that's the fun thing about decorating things usually will come together in a way you weren't expecting!

  11. What about a wallpaper mural for the wall behind the TV? I've seen some cool,ones at Anthropologie and I'm sure there are other places that carry them.

  12. Long time reader first time commenter! I agree with everyone about the stars but I think it's great you took a risk and shared it with us. I LOVE the scale of the vintage camera art - do you mind sharing the source and dimensions of the frames?

  13. I agree about the stars as well -- but again good for you for trying and sharing! I think it's been said by other commenters in some form or fashion already, but let me second the idea of a non-distracting wallpaper there instead, maybe something textured that would work well with the beach theme?


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