We have liftoff!

Im sure everyone was at the absolute edge of their seats about my furniture woes. Im happy to report the couch and chairs have arrived safely. Woo-hoo. Its weird to even have furniture in that room after it being empty for so long.

Sorry, Im a bit tied up with work this week so photos will have to wait a few days.


  1. Woo hoo , great news, can't wait to see.
    I will be getting either a new freezer drawer or a whole new fridge because of its problems.
    Looks like things are looking up for us.

  2. Fantastic! You're going to make us wait a few days for pictures??

  3. I don't know if this is funny or sad -- but I looked at you blog as soon as I got to work to see if your stuff came. :-)

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    yes! the furniture has arrived!! now the wait for the pictures....lol :o)

  5. congrats on ending the bad streak! cant wait to see pictures.

  6. excited for you and for us to see pics! :)

  7. eeks! soo exciting! can't wait for pics!!

    { julie }

  8. yay! Did you ever find that table? I was perusing ebay and saw item #330245046525..I liked that aged patina on the antique brass...there was also item# 360061211040..(not sure about the shape and those legs). Also csn lighting.com has jonathan adler table (antique brass,glass) a used table for $330 not sure of the size though.

  9. I can just imagine you reclining with an enormous smile and a sigh of relief. You must be feeling very "grown-up!" Furniture has a way of doing that to a person. You will look back years later as your home is stuffed to the rafters with so much. It happens faster than you think.
    Drum roll - photo please!

  10. Yay! Can't wait to see them! -Julia

  11. Oh how exciting! I can't wait to see it all :o) Your new pillows are fabulous too!

  12. Outstanding!PS finally got to my tag. LOL

  13. Did you know that Neiman Marcus has a home department, or am I the last person on earth to figure that out?

  14. Take a few nights after work to just sit and revel in your new furniture. You deserve it after all the misfires!
    Lisa & Alfie


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