Agatha's First Year Baby Book

For the last few years, I've been putting all of our favorite photos in an annual book.  It started out just with trip photos (20092010, 2011), morphed into more of a whole life recap including pregnancy shots, parties, etc. (2012).  While I haven't quite gotten around to putting together a 2013 version, I did finish Agatha's first year baby book which is a pretty good recap of our year too.

I won't bore you with a look at every page (its 100 pages long) but it's made up of lots of photos, a letter to her about how excited we were to finally meet her, a highlight page per month and a "stats" page for her first year.

Maybe because I was so fanatical about keeping up with it all year or I realized it's way harder to put together than I imagined but I'm so happy to have this done. It makes me feel very organized even though I'm so far from it!

I haven't been keep up with as many photos or notes for her second year of life so we will be back to a consolidated photobook for all of us in 2014.

You can see the whole book here:


  1. A treasure for sure. My son is 4 and I have yet to do this! The front and back covers are adorable!

    1. Thanks! It was hard enough to remember what had happened just the month before. I'd never be able to remember 4 years ago!

  2. Love love love! Good job mama!
    xo kb

  3. Thanks. I used Blurb to do the printing. I've used them all along (and wanted all of these books to be the same size so I haven't tried any of the competition). I am very happy with the quality relative to the price. Some other companies have come out with fancier cover options which would be a nice to have but tend to be more expensive. The photo printing is always excellent so that is what I find to be more important. I have seen the books printed by my publisher and shutterfly and wasn't as impressed but this was a few years ago so they may very well have upped their game.

    I think it would certainly make a great wedding album provided you weren't set on a linen engraved or leather cover.

  4. My wedding was a long time ago (our photos were shot using film cameras, not digital) so these options weren't as plentiful. I did have a digital book made but it was done out of Australia and a lot more expensive than it would be today. If I were getting married today, I would probably do a book like this one.

  5. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I love your templates / fonts. Did you make those yourself or are they for sale somewhere? I have used Blurb for books as well but don't know much about how to fancy up the pages a bit.

    1. Thanks Melissa. I did the design work myself but I think you can buy some pre-made templates. The software blurb offers has some pretty decent photo only layouts but when you want to combine text, its not as ideal unless you want something much more basic. So I do all of the layouts that involve text in a separate program and then upload them as a single image into the book. Hope that helps!

    2. What program did you use? Photoshop?

    3. I used Blurb to do some of the photo only layouts where it was easier to adjust their templates. On the pages that have text, I used a combo of Illustrator and Photoshop.

    4. Looks amazing! Thanks :) I'm starting one for my little one now...

  6. What a treasure! And the book, too! ;)

  7. This is awesome! Some of those faces she made are too silly lol

  8. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Beautiful baby book! I love how you were creating yearbooks and annual photo books for your family. If you went on a big trip one year, would you include that in your annual photo book or do a separate book for the trip and a separate book for the rest of the year's photos?

    1. I started out with trip only books because we were taking lots of trips during those years (and I just never got around to making the non trip event book) but now that Ive done the combined, I think it makes a lot more sense to just put it all in one place and have one per year. Eventually I'm going to have a lot of these so it just makes sense to make the chronological, you know? Plus one larger book is cheaper than multiple smaller ones.

  9. It's beautiful. I love to scrapbook so love this kind of thing. The milestones page is great. Can you tell us which program you used to create that! Thanks.

    1. Thanks - I used Adobe Illustrator for that page.

  10. Wow! What an amazing job. I'm just starting one for our little one and would love to see more of yours - as we too are trying to design the text pages through illustrator!

    1. Thanks Carrie. I've added a preview of the whole book at the bottom of the post if you want to see more but its mostly the same layout for each month.

  11. Looks great! Would you consider selling this as a template?

    1. The main part of my design has the letters that spell out "agatha" as the background for the page. So I'm guessing there isn't a big market for this particular layout :)

  12. Beautiful book! Just wondering which fonts you used? I love them!

  13. You know, it just gets harder to keep up with more kids!! :) Beautiful book and a treasure!!

  14. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hi, I love love love the layout you created for the last page! I was wondering if you could give me some direction or a tutorial on how you created it! I want to include something like this for my daughters 1st year book!

    thank you xx

  15. Beautiful book! Would you mind sharing the fonts you used on the first page for her name and the ribbon banner? Also, what font is used on the background pages with the letters of her name? What a nice keepsake that will be!

  16. Beautiful book! Would you mind sharing what fonts you used on the first page for her name and the ribbon banner? Also, what font did you use to create the background with the letters of her name?


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